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Do you think zodiac signs matter

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load of cobblers biggrin
oh and bailiffs I am scorpio cool
honest :twisted:
Quote by SarfLondoner
I personally don't see how it could matter but would like to know if any of you think it does.

Not one bit ! !
Being born when I was has absolutely nothing to do with how I sort my shopping on the belt so that fridge stuff can go in a "fridge" bag, freezer stuff can go in a "freezer" bag, fruit can go in a "fruit" bag, cleaning stuff can go in a "cleaning stuff" bag and bathroom stuff can go in a "bathroom stuff" bag etc, etc to make it easier for me when I get home ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Regardless of what youmight think wink
I thought i was the only person that did that lol not an aquarian are you dammy ??
Oh my God!
That's me.....
another anal aquarian!
must remember to ask the person in front at the checkout what sign they are next aquarians take forever to unload our shopping onto the belt.... :shock:
But it's sooo much easier once you get it all home! biggrin
and i thought it was just me that did that...
chalk up another one for Aquarius...
Do i believe... hmmm in a broad sense yes.. i can see traits that the books tell us.. and im a pretty typical hoarding Aquarian thats a bit off the wall and doesnt do normal....
ps... i love leo men!
Quote by duncanlondon
There is something in it. Thousands of years of observation and associtaion are not completely useless.

They are if they do not allow to predict things properly.
For example, some planets were predicted by the laws of gravitation because the movement of the other planets didn't match what these laws predicted perfectly (it wasn't seen before because we couldn't measure the orbits accurately enough to see a pattern in the differences as opposed to just noise generated by the lack of precision) and the differences could be explained by supposing the existence of a planet whose characteristics (mass, orbit) could be approximated by the amount of difference.
As you have more differences where supposing the existance of the extra planet explains them (and an absence of differences where it doesn't) the likelyhood of the planet increases (until you manage to observe it and thus prove its existence).
If Astrology was useful it would be able to do similar things like for example saying that given the known planets that person's future should be like that but given that it was like this there must have been another influence. Then, with a number of discrepancies between what was predicted by Astrology and what happened to the persons, Astrology should be able to say that the simplest way to explain these differences was to imagine that there is an extra planet whose influence changed these person's charts and deduce by the kind of differences where the planet must have been at different points in time and use that to calculate a crude orbit of the planet and then point a few telescopes there and after a while of looking somebody will find it.
If Astrology ever manage a similar feat (which it didn't in its thousand of years of existence since ancient babylonia while science did it in the few hundred years of its existence) then I might believe that there is something in it.
Now, does that mean that there is nothing valuable in Astrology? No! But if there is anything valuable it is mixed so much with the junk that it is useless. If Astrologers would apply the scientific method to see which parts (if any) of Astrology work and which part don't then who knows, it might become a science, but for now it is just another religion.
Note that if you believe in Astrology this post shouldn't make you stop to believe in it anymore than a post about Atheism should make a believer lose his faith.
Quote by lovedagirls
Maybe a strange subject but we have been talking about this at work today and on of the girls said she has always had the best sex with a Libra (which I told her just happens to be mine wink ) But then she said that she would never sleep with a Mackem mad lol . I personally don't see how it could matter but would like to know if any of you think it does.

We Leos don't believe in any of that rubbish.
I would not say astrology is a science but there does seem to be somthing in it. looking at astronomy, its not hard to rubbish astrology as positions of planets and stars poses the question that if we happened to live on pluto then our horroscopes would all be different and also the perceived positions of celestial bodies don't all line up. Distances in time and space means for all we know, a star may have burned out millions of years ago but its light has taken this long to reach us . Having said that, we humans are very complex and effects of changing light levels through the year, moods and feelings all have effects on us. I find it hard to accept though that all e.g gemini people will get lucky ,win the lotto and have to beware of a business deal or job and that all librans will be feeling down today but will get an unexpected phone call ! ha ! And so it goes on , but in terms of compatability there does seem to be traits which seem to point that people do seem to get on better with some star signs better than others and moods seem influenced to greater or lesser degrees by changes in the percieved positions of the universe.
Offe to read the star sign of a friend who believes, and watch them nod in agreement with all the lose predictions, then watch them go red when you tell then you were not reading there sing biggrin :D :D :D
Its all rubish its far too vague, I don't know why they don't get done for it :shock: its nothing more than deception and false trading evil :evil: :evil:
Quote by Libra+Love
And as star signs go, it's the Leo that get's this girls juices flowing

See, I told you it was all a load of cobblers. lol
Quote by Ice Pie
And as star signs go, it's the Leo that get's this girls juices flowing

See, I told you it was all a load of cobblers. lol
Now where's that pic of Leo the lamb lying with Libra, I wonder? :lol:
Quote by deflowerer
Offe to read the star sign of a friend who believes, and watch them nod in agreement with all the lose predictions, then watch them go red when you tell then you were not reading there sing biggrin :D :D :D
Its all rubish its far too vague, I don't know why they don't get done for it :shock: its nothing more than deception and false trading evil :evil: :evil:

If you read my first post in this thread you will see that I do not believe in it either but I do not consider the blurbs put in the papers to be really astrology as they try to do things for many people.
"Real" astrology is personal and uses many facts that are unique to that person to make their prediction.
The stuff found in the papers is to Astrology what Coca Light is to Coke and given what I think of real astrology to start with let's not get started about what you find in the papers and what is the best use for it (or what would be the best use for it if the pages were softer lol).
Quote by Colts23
Venus In Keywords
Fire Signs
(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) ardent, dramatic, demonstrative, initiator
Earth Signs
(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) luxurious, possessive, steady, focused
Air Signs
(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) experimental, poetic, intellectual, versatile
Water Signs
(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) idealistic, sensitive, sentimental, spiritual
supposedly thats the info on what you are,,,,tried finding the sex one, but only love versions available, :P
I'm a fish!! confused but at least I'm idealistic :twisted:

Great that make me a sensitive Crab, Who is into the occult. You have been warned!
whip :wary: :?:
I used to really be into zodiac signs......but over the years lost interest.
I have lately however been having a quick look at them to see if I am compatible with various signs and have to say they have my Aquarian nature down to a T!....... so maybe there is something in it after all.
Are there any libras out that.......apparently those are my ideal!!!!! lol
Personally i think its a load of rubbish lol
Just outa interest tho i'm a taurus who should i be going for lol