load of cobblers
oh and bailiffs I am scorpio
honest :twisted:
Quote by SarfLondoner
I personally don't see how it could matter but would like to know if any of you think it does.
Quote by duncanlondon
There is something in it. Thousands of years of observation and associtaion are not completely useless.
Quote by lovedagirls
Maybe a strange subject but we have been talking about this at work today and on of the girls said she has always had the best sex with a Libra (which I told her just happens to be mine ) But then she said that she would never sleep with a Mackem . I personally don't see how it could matter but would like to know if any of you think it does.
Quote by deflowerer
Offe to read the star sign of a friend who believes, and watch them nod in agreement with all the lose predictions, then watch them go red when you tell then you were not reading there sing :D :D :D
Its all rubish its far too vague, I don't know why they don't get done for it :shock: its nothing more than deception and false trading :evil: :evil:
Quote by Colts23
Venus In Keywords
Fire Signs
(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) ardent, dramatic, demonstrative, initiator
Earth Signs
(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) luxurious, possessive, steady, focused
Air Signs
(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) experimental, poetic, intellectual, versatile
Water Signs
(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) idealistic, sensitive, sentimental, spiritual
supposedly thats the info on what you are,,,,tried finding the sex one, but only love versions available, :P
I'm a fish!! but at least I'm idealistic :twisted: