Quote by Peanut
"Patients will be asked for details on how their doctor communicates, including how well he or she explains and listens.
The degree to which patients are involved in decisions about their treatment and whether they are treated with dignity and respect will also be taken into account."
doctors have always been assesed to ensure they've not employed some butcher to work in our wards,but the govt. lost a case in the beginning of the year to immigration tribunal against deporting new doctors from outside european union after spending years poaching them from asian and poor sub saharan in revenge they introduce tougher measures to try weed them off the country....
Its been a long time since I read something that was such utter tripe (IMHO) ....
The new measures are there to ensure Doctors are performing to standards.......Nothing more.......And if they are found to be below par in certain areas I dare say they will become elligable for training in those areas....
Where this revenge theory comes from is anyones guess

call it what you wish but a doctor from india being suspended because he/she cant understand brummie,liverpool,geordie accent has nothing to do with competent doctor!
Given that a doctor's first skill should be communication then yes it does seem to me to be a measure of competency. You can hardly cure someone if you can't understand what the fuck is wrong with them.
It's just like Indian call centres, only in reverse!
thats just silly what qualification do you need to be a call centre worker as compared to years of training for a doctor