Just received an e-mail from logging my ip address at more than 30 illigeal websites !!! . They ask me to answer a list of questions via an attachment .
As a couple that rarely visit more than half a dozen ever (true) , we find this hard to believe .
Anyone else shed any light on this
DON'T touch it.. it's a hoax and probably a virus too...- we get them here about 25 times a day! Just delete and block them from your inbox.
thanks guys for your prompt replys . We run Zone Alarm and use the regular updates just wonder where they pick up ip addresses from .
Thanks once again
Does your zone Alarm also scan for viruses? Our free version of Zone Alarm just acts as a firewall, but isn't realy virus software.
I would be happy to give you a link (via PM) for free virus software if you want.
Yes, as everyone else said this is a virus doing the rounds via email. We had a warning at work a few weeks ago about it.
It sounds like the friendly sasser worm again.
Your email is probably from another infected pc, the worm generates random ip addresses and hits good ones about 50% of the time.
It also means that somebodies updates are not current.
Hope you've followed others' advice about NOT opening the attachment. A quick Google search reveals it's a variant of the w32/sober virus. There's even a comment about it from the FBI itself:
It is good practice to have your Zone Alarm firewall constantly updated, but I'd rrecommend having a stand-alone Anti-Virus programme as well. AVG is excellent and it's free.
Treat the internet like you would do sex.......Safety first!
Have fun. :thumbup:
AVG is a good anti virus and it was free aswell. dunno whether it still is or not though.
heres a link if anyone wants a look might be helpful to someone.
We have a e mail account that we use purely for this site, nothing else. There may be no connection, but since the site takeover we have had a rash of bogus e mails, all containing a virus. Fortunately, is shit-hot and picks up on it. For some reason, all these mails go straight into our bulk mail folder too.
thats what i like about this site, it may be a friendly community based site with a hint of swinging, but you ask for advice on anything and someone will help you..
ultimate in pc protection, not sure if it will catch on though ?
i really recomend people start switching to a linux operating system rather than windows. theres no need for any form of antivirus protection and there is an endless amount of free open source software available. i use "ubuntu" which is really easy to use for a person raised on windows software.
hackers dont write viruses that affect linux systems, only microsoft is targeted.
the u.s government has issued several warnings not to use microsoft because its totally insecure even with several anti virus programs running.