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Does anyone ever meet up or is it all just fantasy

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Quote by osemlover

 and therein lies the problem.  Once bitten?  Twice, even more shy!  It pays to take time, be careful and be cautious.

We've very recently had contact from a guy who seemed quite nice but oddly familiar. It turned out he's on another site we're on but has slightly different profile which revealed the lies he was telling us here and were clearly designed to mislead people. He's not alone folks so beware of those who tell you what you want to hear!!

 Yeah it is a bit of a minefield sad

mrmrsbad summed it up perfectly .... they want this they want that..they must look like this and not like that.. Im no oil painting and don’t expect others to be. But some of the people I have encountered on here are living in fantasy world and will probably never do anything with anyone. Luckily I have met several genuine people on here, but that’s only about 20%

Quote by Scotchlander
mrmrsbad summed it up perfectly .... they want this they want that..they must look like this and not like that.. Im no oil painting and don’t expect others to be. But some of the people I have encountered on here are living in fantasy world and will probably never do anything with anyone. Luckily I have met several genuine people on here, but that’s only about 20%

 ...  or perhaps they just know exactly what they want and aren't willing or even desperate enough to want to compromise. wink.gif 

What's wrong with being selective anyway?  Do we all have to just meet anyone who happens along?  Just by way of an example, we won't meet smokers.  No matter how great they might be in every other respect we both just detest the smell of cigarettes and it's as simple as that.  Equally, if people don't like what's in our profile then they can just avoid us.  That's what a profile is for - it's really quite simple.  Each to his/her own I'd say.  wink.gif

I hear what you are saying osemlover, and agree major things like smoking are important. Ok for example of picky people... I was one year too old .... is that being picky? Everyone thinks I look 10 years younger anyway, so I would say it was. But must say, I love your profile and your honesty. Honesty is important to me.

O dear. This debate has obviously upset a few people and as shown how others have been mislead lied to and hurt hasn't it. A site of this nature does allow us all to be a little picky and say exactly what were looking for. And as open minded individuals who come here should we not respect other people likes ,lusts and need without judging them. We are all individual people , couples or what ever we are. I  pitch as a dom on here and my playmate is submissive. I don't EXPECT her to do that at all.  She does it happily because the role we both play is a turn on for both of us.. Just like dogging or watching your wife or husband have sex with another MAY be a turn on for you. So you put that in your profile don't you? To try to meet LIKE MINDED people and be as honest as you can.  If you read another persons profile and your not compatible you don't contact them. What would be the point?? I don't judge transgender, gay, Dogging or anything else offered on here. what would give me the right to do that with my profile?  All I ask is you to extende the same to me. As for the people on here who have been mislead. Im truly sorry for you and where its become aggressive and nasty my heart goes out to you. It must be absolutely horrible. I hope I am lucky enough to never encounter it. But alas I feel I may already have been judged and that's not a great feeling too...

Cant say I have had any success at all, but honestly its nor all that surprising. Never give up hope though and if all else fails its still enjoyable to see what others might get up to.

Quote by Castor108
Cant say I have had any success at all, but honestly its nor all that surprising. Never give up hope though and if all else fails its still enjoyable to see what others might get up to.

 no success in three years?!

seems longer than three years Snuffles87.

Agree with the general responses you have had already.

The obvious issue which is making people extra cautious is Covid! I guess it's up to the individual how to approach intimate encounters and personal safety/ health. As always, sexual health has always been important anyway.

 That aside, we are a community of strangers and as such unlikely to just meet anyone and at anytime - without getting to know the person/ s a little.

I find it difficult to imagine why so many profiles are virtually blank and not so much as a bit of leg to look at!

Anyway hope you find everyone gradually more responsive as the Covid restrictions get lifted further.


Covid has nothing to do with it. This site has deteriorated greatly with an overall lack of genuine people wanting to meet. I have been a member for over 15yrs & if I have one meet a year over the last 5 I would be doing well. I was introduced to a fab site by a member off here where I get 2/3 meets per month. I use exactly same profile to. I'm still on here because this site I feel is technically better. I would love to be proved wrong.

Quote by wita7
Covid has nothing to do with it. This site has deteriorated greatly with an overall lack of genuine people wanting to meet. I have been a member for over 15yrs & if I have one meet a year over the last 5 I would be doing well. I was introduced to a fab site by a member off here where I get 2/3 meets per month. I use exactly same profile to. I'm still on here because this site I feel is technically better. I would love to be proved wrong.

We've been here years too and I think that has a lot to do with there being far more males than females/couples here now than used to be the case. Plus you have lots of foreign members who're unlikely to be able to meet anyone in the UK on a regular basis.

Everyone has their own views on this and there could a multitude of factors leading to people meeting less.

No one can deny Covid has put things in perspective for many people. 

There could be a multitude of factors involved here but Covid is not one of them. It does not cover any of the years prior to this event.

This site doesn't help itself either by its draconian rules on posts. I have just been told off by admin for posting nude picture in forum. FFS this is a site that deals with sex. I have also been censored for posting pics/vids that on other sites I have had no issues with posting. Dont get it!

Differences between a paying membership and a free membership make messaging and meet ups more difficult.

Some can't afford the commitment to ongoing paid membership. Probably why so many profiles are dormant or show having been on here years.

No one system of online befriending either for sexual or dating  is without its problems.

Fake or virtually blank profiles don't do a site any favours. 

If members wish to be in touch with UK only there should, in theory be a way site owners could filter out Non UK members. 

In the end it comes down to how you find things work for you. Someone has already mentioned decent pics and an honest description on a profile all help. 

This site does have tips and help around safety and places to go for sex products too. All really helpful. 😃

I agree

Quote by wita7
This site doesn't help itself either by its draconian rules on posts. I have just been told off by admin for posting nude picture in forum. FFS this is a site that deals with sex. I have also been censored for posting pics/vids that on other sites I have had no issues with posting. Dont get it!

 I have had many a discussion over the years regarding videos and pics with admin and in the forum..I always cover faces in any meet videos or pic I may post, but if a tattoo is showing it's rejected or I have to pixelate it out, when if it's a video is a righti pain, I always pointed out the the person/s knew they were being filmed, I mean, I holding/pointing a camcorder or phone in their faces so it's pretty obvious. But no, as far has I am aware, this is still the policy of SH, yet like you, I can post them on other sites with no issues, even porn sites if I want too..

This is just a thought not claiming it as fact absolute!

 Is it possible that if you checked it largely depends the source country of any sex, adult or porn site.

All are subject to differring restrictions depending on Country which is in jurisdiction.

Sites which disregard such restrictions could be shut down or face prosecution/ fines. 

As I say , the site small print is well worth a look.


Quote by MrandMrsBad
Quote by wita7
This site doesn't help itself either by its draconian rules on posts. I have just been told off by admin for posting nude picture in forum. FFS this is a site that deals with sex. I have also been censored for posting pics/vids that on other sites I have had no issues with posting. Dont get it!
 I have had many a discussion over the years regarding videos and pics with admin and in the forum..I always cover faces in any meet videos or pic I may post, but if a tattoo is showing it's rejected or I have to pixelate it out, when if it's a video is a righti pain, I always pointed out the the person/s knew they were being filmed, I mean, I holding/pointing a camcorder or phone in their faces so it's pretty obvious. But no, as far has I am aware, this is still the policy of SH, yet like you, I can post them on other sites with no issues, even porn sites if I want too..

The rules aren't just the rules because we moderators or admin like to metaphorically walk around with a clip-board and hi-vis on "telling people off" it's simply the case that history has taught us that they are a sensible rules to prevent problems for the users of the site. In the past significant problems (as in real life emotional upset and pain) have been caused because someone was identifiable by something as seemingly insignificant as jewelry in an image posted, having had to deal with this and hear about the damage caused, is it not sensible to put rules in place to prevent that happening again?

As to your point about people being aware they are being filmed, I see where you're coming from, but how would the site (by which again I mean us mods) know that they had given permission for it to be uploaded? how do we know that they hadn't only agreed to the images being taken on the understanding that they were kept in someones private collection? Other sites may well be prepared to accept that risk, as it stands SH is a little more cautious on behalf of its members.

wita7- its always been the case that the forum wasn't a place for "adult" images, there are many reasons for that, just a couple off the top of my head are that people generally don't expect it (and some object to seeing adult images that they have not sought out) Also the forum is accessible without being logged in, so the site has no direct control over who can access it, where we do everywhere else there is adult media. 

I could go on, but let's just say there are a number of good reasons- I'm sorry you felt "told off" the message you were sent was simply to inform you that it had been removed and to explain why.

Hopefully that helps to explain why some of the things about the site are as they are.

did I read that right. You "don't" have to be like logged in to read forum posts.

well you live and learn..

something worth remembering ..

The Male ratio is higher on all swinging sites across the world, it the way its always been, its the nature of the beast.

Quote by asmjff
did I read that right. You "don't" have to be like logged in to read forum posts.
well you live and learn..
something worth remembering ..

You don't have to be logged in to see non-adult gallery images either.  Unless members have made their images private and/or altered their profile settings to ensure the "Profile is visible to non members / search engines" option is unticked, their profile pics will be viewable by all and sundry. Could be embarrassing...

As for the over the top censorship of the videos, like having to pixelate a tattoo out..This is the only site that does this and it holds SH back..faces yes, that's a must on our part , SH is nowhere near as good as it used to be, before it became a paid site, the forums on here are a good indication of that, the lack of use they get, seeing SH claims there are 's of users. The whole atmosphere of the site is dead..We have been here for years with this account and a earlier one, If I was informed I had to pay(we don't at the mo because of grandfather rights) we would just leave, Sh benefits more from us with are media content then we do from SH. 

I have no idea what the actual numbers are relating to single males v the rest but it would be interesting to know if the proportion of the former has increased in our time here. How many members have been active in the last 6 months or whatever is another matter of course. In our time here the number of females & couples active in chat seems to have decreased but that's just a personal observation. Since we're only interested in meeting guys, it's a bonus for us anyway.

I too would be interested in the site statistics but i don't think the site owners would  disclose it as i suspect it would be very high and off putting  to some members. I "put out" here as single but I have Ana to consider (shes in my profile) but I'm not with her 24/7. So to me it would be miss leading to say I/we are a couple. She is happily married to another so it would be insulting in so many ways to say she is with me. That said anyone who wants to friend me needs to be aware of her as I would be telling lies to potential friends/ partners if i pretended she was not part of my life.

Lets face it were just an eclectic group of individuals trying not to be put into a box unless one fits us nicely and enjoy life to the full. 

As osemlover says more guys on here is a bonus for them, but; if your looking for just couple then I guess its not so good to have higher percentage male only participants.  I just hope everyone here finds there ideal partner/ playmate/ friend or whatever as simply; thats why were here isn't it.. have a great day all.

 A. x

Thank you osm for the tip on privacy as well I didn't realize any of that..icon_redface

Quote by Castor108
seems longer than three years Snuffles87.


I admit that it’s getting harder to arrange meets but I still manage it. There are too many wasters out there but just go with the flow I say. Keep trying

Your very much right. Never give up as when you do get a meet they are great.

this site is defo for fantasy I really dont think people meet up lol lol it's easier to go pub and find  swinger