Quote by MrandMrsBad
Quote by wita7
This site doesn't help itself either by its draconian rules on posts. I have just been told off by admin for posting nude picture in forum. FFS this is a site that deals with sex. I have also been censored for posting pics/vids that on other sites I have had no issues with posting. Dont get it!
I have had many a discussion over the years regarding videos and pics with admin and in the forum..I always cover faces in any meet videos or pic I may post, but if a tattoo is showing it's rejected or I have to pixelate it out, when if it's a video is a righti pain, I always pointed out the the person/s knew they were being filmed, I mean, I holding/pointing a camcorder or phone in their faces so it's pretty obvious. But no, as far has I am aware, this is still the policy of SH, yet like you, I can post them on other sites with no issues, even porn sites if I want too..
The rules aren't just the rules because we moderators or admin like to metaphorically walk around with a clip-board and hi-vis on "telling people off" it's simply the case that history has taught us that they are a sensible rules to prevent problems for the users of the site. In the past significant problems (as in real life emotional upset and pain) have been caused because someone was identifiable by something as seemingly insignificant as jewelry in an image posted, having had to deal with this and hear about the damage caused, is it not sensible to put rules in place to prevent that happening again?
As to your point about people being aware they are being filmed, I see where you're coming from, but how would the site (by which again I mean us mods) know that they had given permission for it to be uploaded? how do we know that they hadn't only agreed to the images being taken on the understanding that they were kept in someones private collection? Other sites may well be prepared to accept that risk, as it stands SH is a little more cautious on behalf of its members.
wita7- its always been the case that the forum wasn't a place for "adult" images, there are many reasons for that, just a couple off the top of my head are that people generally don't expect it (and some object to seeing adult images that they have not sought out) Also the forum is accessible without being logged in, so the site has no direct control over who can access it, where we do everywhere else there is adult media.
I could go on, but let's just say there are a number of good reasons- I'm sorry you felt "told off" the message you were sent was simply to inform you that it had been removed and to explain why.
Hopefully that helps to explain why some of the things about the site are as they are.