<<<<<man of few words
yes, my size matters to me!
Most definately.
If my boots are too small, they nip my toes, and for some reason force my little toe to go under the one next to it.
Very painfull.
What comes around goes around.
And never drops off the page.
N.B. I am aware of the fact I'm helping to perpetuate this threads existence on page 1 so :P
actually, size does matter to me, why does the big macs on telly always look bigger than the ones you get over the counter
yes size does matter
the higher the stilletto the better
are we talking boobs???????????
if not zip.................lob lol
yes i will always pay the extra for the super size me option
Yes I'm afraid size does matter. Well, on this Forum it does. There is an established standard which is :
penile length min 5" (12 cm) max 6.5 " (16cm).
penile diameter 7" (17cm).
We don't care about your caring personality, intelligence, sense of humour, kind nature, whatever - none of that will work for you here. If you don't meet the critria we won't speak to you.
We have regular meetings where your size will be assessed. They are called Munches and take part all over the country. Occasionally we consider appeals from men who don't meet the standard but claim to excel in other areas eg. long, strong tongues. Assessments on this basis take place, of course, at Mini-munches.
I am sorry if it happens that you are excluded by these requirements but since we discovered that all the women on SH had exactly the same vaginal dimentions, clitoris position etc we decided this was the only way we could guarantee satisfaction to all.
PS. Please don't make the mistake one of our lovely ex-members did; Viv, who went for her operation to become to Victor but got in a muddle with her Imperial versis metric measures. She/he is sorely missed.
This may have been done many times before, however there are many new people who join SH on a weekly basis who havent discussed it, dont u think?
You know what, I might even ask the same question next week lol
Shall I dare?
Anyway, in my opinion, size in whatever shape or form does not matter one bit, whether it be men or woman, naughty bits, height or weight, who gives a monkeys? As long as u both find each other attractive and can have hours (ok well an hour, ok well 20 minutes!)of enjoyment then it don't matter at all.
There, I said my bit, i'll get off me box and sit back and prepare myself for the backlash!
xxxxxx :happy: