Quote by Scoobaru
Hey all,
Seeing as the majority of posting come from folk bassed up north does this mean that the north is more liberated or just has more horny folk..lol
Hopefully lol
Maybe we'll get to find out sometime soon
Quote by Dino.
After the world had been around a while, God looked down from the heavens and decided that Great Britain could do with a bit of a spring clean. He reached down with his huge hand and grabbed hold of it (around Scotland), held it high and shook it for all his all the strong hardy types hung on, and all the shite n crap fell South to the bottom. :lol: :lol: .
Hence, Northerners, being stronger, can party harder, play harder and go on having fun for longer ! :wink: :thumbup:
Dino. :wink:
Quote by johneboy
After the world had been around a while, God looked down from the heavens and decided that Great Britain could do with a bit of a spring clean. He reached down with his huge hand and grabbed hold of it (around Scotland), held it high and shook it for all his all the strong hardy types hung on, and all the shite n crap fell South to the bottom. :lol: :lol: .
Hence, Northerners, being stronger, can party harder, play harder and go on having fun for longer ! :wink: :thumbup:
Dino. :wink:
Quote by angelnn66
Maybe you just brag about it more up there? :eeek:
Come on, fellow Brummies and Black Country folk, we have to reply to this post!
Angel (open to offers from anywhere!) )
Quote by johneboy
After the world had been around a while, God looked down from the heavens and decided that Great Britain could do with a bit of a spring clean. He reached down with his huge hand and grabbed hold of it (around Scotland), held it high and shook it for all his all the strong hardy types hung on, and all the shite n crap fell South to the bottom. :lol: :lol: .
Hence, Northerners, being stronger, can party harder, play harder and go on having fun for longer ! :wink: :thumbup:
Dino. :wink:
Quote by postie
And we do have more fun in the North... i have seen it from both sides...and I prefer the pace of life here. Friendlier, nicer people, beer at a reasonable price... and best of all... the first topic of conversation with a stranger ISN'T..... " Blimey Geeezer.... I bought my Aaaause las week for 3 squillwion quid....isss nah worf 15 squillwion quid, innit... havin' a feckin larf... goin' to go ta Ibifa and large it .....aaaaaah.....muppet..."
Glad i got out...
(next time you meet a southerner.... I guarantee house prices get brought up!!! )
Quote by w00dface
Living in Hastings means
snippity snip....
7) We get paid more leading to bigger houses, nicer cars and money to party with.
So there.
Quote by Happy Cats
I was pleasantly suprised the other night, only a pint!
FFS !!!!! In a scabby little pub!
Quote by w00dface
It's not that we mention houses or partying a lot, It's just that whene we do it gets picked up on by Northerners who are jelouse that we get to have beach partys and own sheds worth more than their 3 bed terrace.