Quote by Stevedb076
Oh No! I've started an arguement, I'd feel bad if it wasn't so entertaining
dont worry about them you will get used to it after a while :giggle:
Quote by Too Hot
We occasionally advertise to meet a guy as a one off and you would be surprised just how BAD some guys are at composing a reply of any interest whatsoever.
We firstly read the reply to assess age/maturity and imagination and then we look at pictures. We would then look at the post history to try get a feel for the personality.
If the response is in poor English or grammar or is written in text speak and consists of no more than one or two lines then it gets deleted. If the person is quite obviously out of our age requirement then he gets deleted for not reading our advert. I would sugges that any single male responding to an ad or initiating contact should thoroughly read the profile text and advert before composing the reply.
As far as pictures go - Mrs Hot tells me that she pays particulat attention to detail - for example:
One guy sent a picture of his hand wrapped around his cock and his finger nails were filthy.
Have a selection of public pictures in good taste and a ready store of naked, saucier pictures in your private gallery.
Most of all we would suggest being genuine. Unfortunately, there are just as many fantasist couples and single women as there are men on this site so you should be prepared to be patient.
Good luck
Quote by Bassman
I was a single guy on the site for a while. I went to a few munches and socials which in turn led to an invite to a summer BBQ where I met up with another site member who 18 months down the line is now my wife.... so yeah, this site can work for single guys.
Quote by louise_and_joe
...the site will work for some and not for others. ...<snip>... It doesnt work for everyone.
Quote by louise_and_joe
Its not always just about a shag/finding friends etc. Then again some people are a bit impatient and dont give the site enough time to work.