lets hope the long arm of the law feel the crooks COLLAR soon !
Man, you folks are BARKING mad.. (I'll get my coat)
News just in:
Police today announced that they were following up on a lead, but it turned out they were just barking up the wrong tree.
Shall I pop down Blockbusters and get 'Hound of the Baskervilles' for him to watch?
See now I would have said he tasted more like pork. Kinda like the sweet and sour from Fu-King-Me's Chinese :lickface:
Ah, is that the one served with Cream of Sum Yung Gi?
C'mon folks, we're falling into innuendo heaven here.. let's PAWS for a second and re-evaluate!
Hello my name is G ........................you look like me !
(para-phrased form Yosser Huges with grateful thanks to Alan Bleasdale )
Is this story true or a shaggy dog tale?
seems like a big boy :giggle: