Hi to every one and love and kisses to those that I have had the pleasure to meet. I have had quite a few very nice encounters with some couples who visit a site in north SUFFOLK. They have all been very friendly and accomdating. All of these couples have wanted full sex rather than just putting on a show. This is great but I have problem with regard to the health aspect. I always use protection and would not consider going with a couple who did not wish to. My question is this ...... as the invited guest WOULD IT BE UNREASONABLE OF ME TO ASK ALL YOU LOVELY LADIES TO TAKE A PRECAUTION AGAINST CRABS AND TO SHAVE THOSE LOVELY PUSSIES OF YOURS. Condoms do not protect against crabs but shaving can go a long way towards it. Remember a lot of the men you are inviting are married and cannot find any good excuse to shave themselves. You will have a lot more fun I promise!
Love to all your pussies Chewey.