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double standards ?

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I've been reading with interest the debate on locking & deleting threads
Whole big thing about pointless or crap threads, which has some valid points some are worthy of attention others are not
However just spent 10 mins going through a thread about shiney happy people do i need to say anything else :shock:
just out of curiosity lets see how long this stays before being locked or deleted
Clock starts now??
There was a point to that had to be there at the time to get it!!
Quote by prags
However just spent 10 mins going through a thread about shiney happy people do i need to say anything else :shock:

Are yes but . . . that was a friendly, complimentary, join my club kinda thread, this is the beginnings of a dis . . . :silly: . . . . I'm not sure I can make anymore sense out of it that that? :doh:
Quote by da69ve
There was a point to that had to be there at the time to get it!!

That's exactly the point, it meant something if you were there, if you weren't it didn't
Could not the same thing be said about lots of the other posts, it meant something to them at the time.
That's all i'm trying to say, just give a bit of slack to people sometimes & see where it goes if anywhere :giveup:
Well there had never been a thread on shiny happy people before i guess......anything that may get locked......because the search button is your friend!
All I'll say is wind yer neck in - if you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to stay, there has been far too much crap posted for some time - this is, after all, an ADULT site specifically for swingers......................
Oh, and a reminder of the registration agreement which includes the following:-
Quote by Registration Agreement
You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit.

It does not say any reason has to be, or indeed will be given.
Keep up the great work Mods, you clear up so much shit you should appear on "Life of Grime"!!!
biggrin :D
Well, I've just spent 10 minutes bimbling round all the treads on this subject, just to find the right one to post my reply on - and I never did! - Which kind of illustrates one of my biggest frustrations with the cafe.
People who don't THINK when they post.
This is the kind thing I enjoyed discussing beforeI got my Mod hat on - because my opinions have nothing to do with me as a mod, they are purely about me as a site user. It infuriates me when what I have to say is dismissed because: 'You are a mod, you would say that because mods close ranks about things like this'
This is a thread which I started on this very subject some months ago, when I was not a moderator.
Which, if nothing else, illustrates that this is not a new issue, and mearly part of the ebb and flow of life on the site, and in particular in the cafe.
I personally have no interest in seeing strings started about football, cars, TV shows, music and all the other paraphanalia of life, I come on here looking for the opportunity to be flirty, sexy and outrageous. If I had my way, I'd delete the lot of them the moment they appeared. However, I am not able to have my way, so as a user I am left with having to trawl through them and try to ignore them.
I've tried many ways in the past to impose my will on the site. The GFZ for the inane chit chat over the weekend, the giggle zone to keep all the jokes together, the steam room for people to have a yell about anything they wished. All these were set up because there were a significant number of people using the site saying "I am sick of seeing endless jokes, whinges and purile posts cluttering up the cafe, can we not have a separate forum to stick all non-swinging topics in?"
Setting up separate fora for jokes, feedback, and non-swinging chat would just have ended up as a huge confusing mess, so the compromise was to have strings stickied at the top of the cafe for these postings.
Yet, even when these were prominent as stickies, and clearly stated 'If you want to say something about the way the site is run, put it here' - 'If you want to post a joke, post it here' all this was STILL ignored, and people started their own strings.
Why, I asked myself, if there is a specific place for people to place specific types of post, do they continually insist on having their own personal string on the subject? Was it an ego trip, or sheer laziness?
This is another thread from even further back in the mists of time - from a point when I was a moderator but was frankly becoming sick and tired of being one.
Again, the same type of topic, raised in response to criticism of the moderators, and offering the opportunity to influence how the site is moderated. The theme of the thread was 'Many people are quick to criticise using generalities and innuendo, but few are willing to put the thought and effort required to try and change things'
I've said it a number of times before, and I will probably have to say it a number of times again. I like the site as it is, I don't want to change it. If there are things you do not like and want to change, put in the thought and effort required to come up with different ways to do it yourself. You will get nowhere by taking the easy way out and trying to dump your frustrations on others and expecting them to do the work for you.
It is not the site that has a problem. It is you that has a problem with the site, you come up with the solution.
Sorry guys, I am locking this as there are 4 threads on the go covering the same subject.
Please continue in this thread: