I have recorded it to watch later but my favourite(s) were John Pertwee and Tom Baker.....
But neither of them were a fantasy of mine or got me hot :lol2:
But Dr Who is like Star Trek...
They are both real....
I couldn't hear the dialogue for the bloody music.......did anyone else have that problem? I like David Tennant but thought Chris Ecclestone was a very good Doctor...very edgy.
the only one i ever watched was tom baker so gotta be tom baker and his long scarves for me
John Pertwee was the best without a doubt, i was truly scared of some of the characters when i was younger, esp the Daleks and Davros freaked me out most of all
Linday Duncan has been yum yum for ever.
A damn good episode.
Peter Davidson was my fave Dr but obviously not for sexual reasons. I am a Peter Davidson fan really I watch most programs he appears in.
there has been a male companion before ... there was peter perves and frazer hines so another wouldnt be breaking new grounds
i did like Saturday's episode.. was nice to see a dark side to the doctor..
i think tennant is by far the best Dr.. lets just ope the next one can do just as good.
The doctors new assistant is Amy Pond played by Karen Gillan, not a lad.
and whilst people go on about the youngness of the 11th doctor, his screentest supposed to have blown the producer and director away with how good he was.
btw yes i am a whovian i just love dr who i have liked most of the doctors the only 1 i just couldnt take to and that was the last dr as it was taken off air and (Sylvester McCoy) Christopher eccleston took over the roll ........... long live Russell T Davies
The only one of the recent ones i've seen was some xmas special with Kylie in it.
I think the writers must have been having a lazy day as it was pretty much a rip off of the posidon adventure, and a poor quality rip off too :sleeping:
i'll stick to my documentarys, some tank overhaul and some decent films thanks...Dr Who should be remaned Dr Whybother?
What no mention of Bill Hartnell ?