Got to say I agree with Cherrytree... I think we need to see her in a straight acting role before forming an opinion....
But.... It will take some time before I can see her without picturing her saying "bovvered" :giggle:
Quote by CherrytreeIf she IS a member of this site and she IS reading this, then she deserves to know how much we don't want her in Dr Who!
Hey, she might be a member of this site, reading this now!
in fact, I thought I was brilliant!
love Cathy xxx
Quote by gothicpunk
I actually liked her in the Xmas episode - she and David Tennant had good chemistry in that. I'm convinced that a lot of the people omplaining about it just don't like her because she's popular.
Quote by keeno
What's the word for fear of the new? people really don't like change do they?
Regardless of whether you like Miss Tate or not dramatically Martha couldn't stay. A lot was made of the relationship between The Doctor and Rose. When Rose left she would have left a hole in the Doctor's life. Martha could never have the same kind of relationship with the Doctor without cheapening the seperation with Rose. It seems entirely right within the plot for an intelligent woman like Martha to realise that The Doctor couldn't feel for her how she felt for him. In which case she would leave.
If this is the case then The Doctor needs a new assistant. Should it have been a man? Not if Captain Jack was back because the BBC wouldn't cope with gay innuendo at teatime. It seems to me they have picked a good actress and a charactor that will provide a different slant on the plot from Rose and Martha. And I guess Catherine Tate is on the up careerwise so she won't be there long.
Quote by seasider
Ok... why am I the first to say:
It's just a TV programme! :lol2:
Quote by Kiss
Ok... why am I the first to say:
It's just a TV programme! :lol2:
Quote by Kiss
Ok... why am I the first to say:
It's just a TV programme! :lol2:
Quote by goose35
Does anyone else think that this is going to be a complete disaster?
Quote by keenoWell, Keeno. Paragraph one, I think you are spot on. However, I do still think that there is room for the Martha character to develop without becoming a new love interest for the Dr. In this sense I CAN actually see the point of taking her off to Torchwood for a spell and then bringing her back.
What's the word for fear of the new? people really don't like change do they?
Regardless of whether you like Miss Tate or not dramatically Martha couldn't stay. A lot was made of the relationship between The Doctor and Rose. When Rose left she would have left a hole in the Doctor's life. Martha could never have the same kind of relationship with the Doctor without cheapening the seperation with Rose. It seems entirely right within the plot for an intelligent woman like Martha to realise that The Doctor couldn't feel for her how she felt for him. In which case she would leave.
If this is the case then The Doctor needs a new assistant. Should it have been a man? Not if Captain Jack was back because the BBC wouldn't cope with gay innuendo at teatime. It seems to me they have picked a good actress and a charactor that will provide a different slant on the plot from Rose and Martha. And I guess Catherine Tate is on the up careerwise so she won't be there long.
Quote by willxx69
Kiss - yes, I know it's only a TV show. The fact is that it was the ONLY TV show that I bothered to watch, and I suspect that even that small pleasure has now gone.