The past few nights I've had some really vivid dreams which have left me upset when I wake and remember them.
The first one is that I found out my Grandad (who died a few years back and I miss unbelievably) was living in a secret room attached to my house but with a hidden door. Everyone knew about him being there but me.
The second was that my mother (my parents split last year) was having an affair with a lad 30 years younger than herself and had moved to London.. again everyone knew but me.
Both dreams indicate deceit from people I love, if anyone knows about dreams do they understand this? or am I just randomly dreaming? :cry:
No think you have things on your mind that are coming out in your dreams.
I had a very very vivid dream last week which I ended up writing down and came back to it a day later and really it made sense.
Think back over the last few days about what you ahve been doing, talking to people about etc etc and see if that helps.
Dreams are there to help you deal with things that are stressful at times.
Corrie xxx
I havent dreamt fo over a year now. I dont get into a edeep sleep (REM slepp i believe its called)
Maybe due to CD or the meds i dunno
But when i used to dream many ended with me falling and when i hit bottom i would jump in bed and wake up
Oh, and I've heard that dreaming that you're falling usually happens because you're hungry. !?
But, what I do know for a fact, eating cheese before bedtime gives you the best dreams! Weeehey!!!! :bounce:
That *cheese* thing...yup, years back, I used to deliberately eat a late snack/supper involving cheese to bring on strong or vivid dreams...
at the time >not so sure now< I used to feel I was revisiting the same dreams for a continuation, another episode, so to speak... and also felt I could influence the dreams as they occured, almost as if I were aware that I was dreaming... and had some form of external-interaction... daft huh?
sadly, I don't seem to be able to do that's me age dear!