well....its late(early) depending on which way you look at it heehee......
had a great time at jo and lees place .....what a great party....BUT this isnt my thankyou message ill wait for some 1 else to start that thread heehee....
i was lucky enough to be chosen by bluexxx as designated driver tonight.......we had a good old chin wag on the way down......great time......bluexxx got into a fight ....well a little 1 anyway ....
On the way back we were talking and i think she should form her own fight club heehee.......
believe me ....this lady is a fully operational battle star :D.....
so more people are now aware of why im always so polite to her ........
mind you at least i didnt get accused of laughing tonight as she didnt get a whipping .....
and to the guy who she had a bit of a rumpus with.......next time she asks if you can fight you say "NO" lol........
but it was all in good taste and fun.........
ps ....im well in the shit now....i promised i wouldnt post.....couldnt help it lol....must....delete....hhhhrrrr