ive kicked the shit out of next door neighbours door cos i cant get in with my key. what a plug or what
Gave my best friend (male) a topless lap dance in the middle of a very crowded nightclub.....luckily the nightclub in question was a Gay one so I didn't get mobbed...not that I would anyway....LoL
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
By the way Steve, Paul will be mortified if anyone thinks the above was posted by him, to my knowledge he doesn't fall down stairs in public drunk or otherwise - that was written by me - Susie...lol x
We have discussed this in detail and whilst it took a long time , we both agreed that its almost certain that the MOST stupid thing we had each done while drunk would have been completely forgotten by us if not by the poor unfortunates who had to witness it .
However faced with the question whats the stupidest thing you 'mostly remember' doing whilst drunk .Big G's answer involves a poor unfortunate if slightly offensive fella in a bar and a heavy bar stool .
Silkys answer was " Two Airmen" or failing that she said " tell them about that thing outside the takeaway when I took that young boys phone that was on vibrate .............."
Best We can remember.
got run over.
fell asleep in a fish pond.
went golf ball hunting in a lake on a local course.
fell into a urinal trough in a snooker club.
attacked a keep left bollard that was staring at me.
the list goes on, alcohol and me do not go together well.
It appears to me that this thread condons and encourages drug abuse and should not be allowed.
OOOps it appears I have inadvertantly strayed into a serious discussion about substance abuse ! Im will swiftly retreat since my counsellor says Im not allowed to get involved in that kind of thing at least until the scars heal up . At the risk of being accused of some form of condoning my only comment would be " everything in moderation" excuse the pun .
Peace G
I had a problem with drink when I was younger........
I got totally pissed one night and woke up Married.......
Never touched it since!!!
true story (but it was my stag night)
I think the reason the mention of less damaging yet illegal drugs is banned is due to the legalities of running this board more than anything else.
The good thing about age / experience is being able to anticipate when to grab a tin hat an run for a foxhole............................. :giveup:
Steve can defend himself,im asking the question because i want to know.
I dont think that anyone is under attack,i just wanted to know thats all.