Now I like this one....... It is something we have actually asked couples before! What do you do lol! We like to use a spare room if possible and like to make people comfortable if they are staying to play..... we do sometimes just get the rug out in the living room though but only once have we seen a bedroom in someone elses house lol.
Good post .......... wonder what will be said here.
Mike x
OMG it never occured to me to avoid the bedroom. Is there ettiquette involved? Is it different if I have a couple visit me (I'm a single)? My spare room is tiny, we'd have to play standing only. LOL
So many things to worry about, lighting, food, drink, bedroom arrangements, candles or not, scents or not. It would be much easier to take up knitting!!!!
If you can fill a duvet cover, you're on. LOL
(With a duvet)
Only had 2 experiences in the first I played in the hosts bedroom, so that was me and the other party in someone elses bedroom. On the 2nd occasion Mrs Tweeky and I entertained in the lounge and bedroom.
No point of view realy, just what feels comfortable for you.
Mr Tweeky
I agree with Neilinleeds - my bed is my bed and only I get into it with clean fresh sheets - lots of others 'areas' to play in tho..........................
its established that the clean fresh bed is a very sought after commodity.......but when it comes to sex would your cock still rule your head if faced with say the couple youve wanted for ages wanting you on your CLEAN BED...would you go for it or ask politely to go somewhere better???
The trick is to use fitted sheets and a spare duvet. Have the clean sheet and pre-filled duvet ready for when they leave and just swap the bedding in about 1minute. Easy.
you've done this before haven't you lololol
i had a bad case od msn last night btw and didnt just bail out on you.
I'm getting similar probs on my laptop, decided to replace it.