At best they may have withdrawn the auction , at worst they have been removed by Ebay because they are trying to trade without going through the system ( and paying the percentage) . Either way Ebay are usually quite good at sorting it .
I am an e-bayer with well over a 1000 feedback, so my advice would be, don't pay them yet.
They have probably been naru'ed because they haven't paid their e-bay bill yet.
Give it a couple of days see if they re-appear!
T-J, notify Eday and the seller what you are doing, as in a previous post..that way you can dispute any "bad payer" mark that goes against your name. Will do no harm to sit tight until you hear from one or the other. Talking about ht eothe, changing the subject......*LOL*,
Tracy.... First of all, Don't panic.
There are several reasons for a good seller to be NARU'd.
There is also a chance that there is a snag somewhere though so the advice not to make payment is good.
I don't know how many eBay users realise this but there is a page you can go to to get the phone number of a trading partner....
Sadly, it doesn't work if the deller or buyer has been NARU'd.
No Longer A Registered User!
Just to agree with everyone else to say that not paying for now is a good idea, and to add, that there's no requirement that you pay within 24 hours anyway - I think the standard eBay payment time is a week, because people still send cheques and stuff - not everyone uses Paypal.
So, just wait and try to sort it out. (I recently had a situation where buyers disappeared on me after winning the item...atleast I only lost my listing fees and I can relist the item. I even received a warning email from a random person saying - correctly - that the guy who had won my auction was a conman..)
It is time ebay got it’s act to sorted out. I have been an ebayer for years now but with all the scams going on you have to think long and hard before I buy.
Hi RedHot, I have experienced this type of thing before. If this seller had alot of good feedback he is probably reliable within the ebay environment, but that is in the ebay environment. If he/she had items listed they might have had something listed not within ebay rules and this can result in suspension, did you check there other listings by any chance ? If the seller has had the item removed or has been suspended for infringing on ebay rules or both you normally receive an email from ebay advising you that you do not have to complete the transaction. Also bear in mind if this member is no longer a registered user they cant leave you a negative anyway. I would send this person another mail and let them know if they do not reply to you within x amount of hours/days you will not complete the transaction full stop as you are not prepared to deal outside of ebay.
Got a question BTW, may as well do it here ... soz for a mini-hijack ...
If an item is described as MINT condition or MIMB ... what does that mean? Does it mean that it's been checked and is in perfect condition or that it's in the original box and never actually been opened up to be checked ?
I'm not certain, but I tend to think this might vary depending on what the item is? In general I would (personally) assume that it is in perfect (new) condition but it may have been opened and checked..even turned on and tested if it is electronic..
Jedi.... I went through a stage a few years ago where I was selling model cars and some of the collectors are very, very fussy about the state of the box. (Stop laughing at the back)
The really serious ones would prefer a box that had never been opened to one that had a mark where some selotape had been.