Think its a grand idea Clare...
No doubt you will encouter those who doubt you or try to put you off the idea but take no notice of em...
I think its a great idea and a very brave thing to do. Are you still allowed to do it anonomously? Or is it like sprem donations where the laws are changing, giving the child the 'right' to the parents details (I'm probably completely wrong on that but it is early!!!)
All I'd advise is make sure you are 100% sure before you do it.
H xx
I don't really know a lot about this, but if I remember rightly there was some investigation being undertaken regarding the long term effects of donating eggs.
They were suggesting that there may be links to ovarian cancer from the stimulation required to collect the eggs.
I would check this out thoroughly before deciding, as you have 2 young children yourself, these have to be your primary concern.
I'm sorry I have no idea what the outcome of any of the research was.
That said, if its proved safe ,and you feel able, then you will be giving a huge gift to someone.
My brother is currently having IVF with his wife and it looks like their next step may well be egg donations.
Good luck with your decision.
This is something i have thought of in the past.
If it was just a matter of nipping in to hospital having the eggs extracted then that would be fine but it isn't. I don't know all the facts but you should really find them all out as it is a long drawn out process. I know i don't have the time or the energy to go through this.
If it is something you are serious about and do go ahead with it then i take my hat off to you. Nothing more fulfilling than being able to bring a life into this world. If you feel able to give someone else that chance then go for it.
I think if i knew someone personally that needed my eggs then i would do it in a second without even thinking about it.
G x
Thanks guys youve really given me some serious stuff to think about.
As i said its something that we will look into for all the facts,i just wanted some real opinions and feelings on this,especially the experiences and its all helps.
It wont be for a good 5 years yet as i really want to wait until ours are old enough.
A decision of this importance is always a very personal one - and made all the more important because it is one of those things that you can never really KNOW how you are going to feel until you have done it.
I've always been one for "hope for the best, but prepare for the worst"
Imagine the worst possible outcome from egg donation, if you feel you can cope with that, then you are well on your way.
From your post, it seems that your biggest real worry is forming an emotional attachment to a child who may or may not exist.
You should not take this lightly, your motives for considering egg donation are based on your own strong maternal instincts. Would those instincts be too strong for you to ever completely let go? If not, how would you feel when you thought about it? A warm, proud glow, or a yearning regret?
Its a good job Steve is supportive and i know he'll be great whatever i decide,just keep these views coming,theyre really giving me loads to think about
I've thought about doing it but as I was near the upper reaches age wise, it didn't work out. For my part, I love the idea of mini-me's being in the world, with my good looks, intelligence and sense of humour/irony!!!
There are downsides to it: it is an intrusive piece of surgery which means general anaesthetic, if my memory serves me right. They also pump you full of hormones to make you release the maximum number of eggs possible that you can. This can make you feel a little sick and generally "hormonal" for a while.
There was a discussion at the beginning of November about whether or not women should be paid more than they currently are for their "time and inconvenience". Here is the link to the BBC website which has a few more links to relevant organisations.
Ultimately, it comes down to a personal decision: whatever feels right for you, your body and also your husband and your children.
Best wishes
As a father of 2 great kids both adopted I think your idear is fantastic, to be told you can not have children of your own is one of the biggest heart aches I have ever encountered
and then to be told your only option is to adopt is like a sledge hammer blow
you have a fantastic opportunity to make a couple or 2 very very happy