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Electricity Rant - updated bottom of pg 2 for your info

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I know its not swinging related, but I'm posting it anyway because fuck am I mad, I need a rant - and it may come in useful for others here.
I've just had a 15 minute phone call from my electricity supplier call centre - so, to start things off, lets just say I had a bit of difficulty actually understanding what was being said. in fact, it might have been better coming in Russian. mad
Basically, I have one of these electricity card meters - like a token meter, which I put cards in weekly and no big bill to fork out every quarter. Sounds simple and effective enough yes?
Apparently not. No. Overall gist of telephone conversation is that despite me banging cards into this thing left right and centre - currently £15 quid a week and nicely budgeting for it - due to recent price hikes since god knows when, this bloody meter hasnt been 'collecting' at the correct rate, (for anyone who understands this stuff, it collects at and it should be collecting at :shock: )
in essence, I'm about to get landed with a fucking great big electricity debt that s been accumulating unbeknown to me for god knows how long - because THEY didnt set the meter at the correct rate. And I quote " we have thousands of card meters installed all over the UK, but we dont have thousands of fitters to go out adjusting those meters each time the energy prices go up" :shock: :shock: :shock: - Like THATS MY FAULT ????????? :x :x :x
So, if you're a Powergen customer and you dont fancy feeling as irate as i am right now, I suggest you dont answer your phone today.
Poor cow on the other end got it both barrels too :twisted: :taz:
Have you considered paying by DD, you get a slight discount and you still don't get big bills every quarter. Doesn't help you now though, I know. See if you can pay it off in installments, it's their error afterall.
It's the same with most large companies like that, they make a mistake and you end up suffering. Go buy some chocolate - wont help with the bill, but you'll fell better.
Sod chocolate, I need a shag rotflmao
all this pent up aggression :taz: , some poor bugger wont know whats hit em :twisted:
(no actually, i'm off down the pub, Powergen my arse mad )
You might find that they can't demand it all in one lump. Try giving these people a call: - they're really useful for advice.
Thats pants.
If it's their mistake I'd be inclined to say take me to court for it bastards! but i'm not a legal canevil so I've not a jot of a clue how shaky that ground would be. dunno
Kinda stinks though.
Quote by Darkfire
Sod chocolate, I need a shag rotflmao

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im in the club and gagging lol h i'm from swansea if your interesrted in getting to know me
Quote by H-x
Sod chocolate, I need a shag rotflmao

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Is the sun shining in S Wales ?
Look on the bright side. At least you didn't have to ring them and press 2 for a message about how
"your call is important to us so we'll just keeping you hanging on paying for the phone call for a while longer and, by the way, if you'd like to speak to someone who can do something about whatever the problem is then press **45690*7. Obviously we'll not connect you to anyone who can do something about whatever the problem is but do please feel free to press **45690*7 anyway.
Also, when you do eventually get connected to a person please do remember to speak clearly as the person is probably in a different country with a different language to you and please do understand that when we ask you for identification information for the 40th time that we really do need it all those times as we don't believe the answer the first 39 times, it's for security don't you know."
Quote by dambuster
Sod chocolate, I need a shag rotflmao

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Is the sun shining in S Wales ?
Think the sun is shining everywhere lol amazing what a bit of sun does
Lots sun in Hampshire too.... and getting hotter by the minute :rascal:
Quote by southukcouple
Think the sun is shining everywhere lol amazing what a bit of sun does
Lots sun in Hampshire too.... and getting hotter by the minute :rascal:

Its chucking it down in Newcastle evil
Les x
On a serious note, and I'm not a legal eagle either, if they hadn't written to you to tell you about the rate changes at the time then I would consider the argument that you had a contract with them which had not be varied and so the increased charges do not apply. Even if they had changed the rate on the machine and not told you then I would say that also can be argued against as a variation and there invalid. Consider the case that Powergen contract with a supplier to for example take the services of a consultancy to develop a piece of software, say for a card based power meter, and after delivery the consultancy turned around and said "we've been charging you at a rate of £10 per hour and we were unable to change our systems to charge you at a rate of £15 per hour for 6 months of the work so here's the increased bill, please pay us now". Now what do you think Powergen would say about that.
Of course, this completely falls down if the terms and conditions say they can vary the terms and conditions (i.e. price) without notice. Bearing in mind it's a company and the consumer always gets screwed, because the T&Cs are always dictated by the company to protect the company, then I'd guess you're screwed - obviously not in the way you'd like to be.
Quote by dambuster
Sod chocolate, I need a shag rotflmao

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Is the sun shining in S Wales ?
No, its cloudy. Not that that makes much difference
Quote by southukcouple
Sod chocolate, I need a shag rotflmao

Join the club!
Is the sun shining in S Wales ?
Think the sun is shining everywhere lol amazing what a bit of sun does
Lots sun in Hampshire too.... and getting hotter by the minute :rascal:
You should come over to see me if you want to get hotter.
Although bizzarely my fingers and toes are chilly.
I know it doesn't excusetheir fook up, but if you ring them up and explain the situation they won't demand it in one hit the'll come and recalibrate the meter so it recovers the under payment on a basis where they deduct a certain amount every time you stick a top up card in.
However in extreme cases they have (rarely) been know to write the debt off. The best thing to do is to ring them up and have a word and prehaps mention having a word with your local C.A.B or newspaper (bad publicity scares the shite out of them I don't know your circumstances and it's non of my buisness but tales of old ladies and single mums does seem to work wonders when coupled with threats of publicity. Failing that............................. Now where did I put my old meter sealing kit For the benifit of my former employers N Power or whoever the fook you call yourselves now the last bit was a joke innocent bolt
I think I would ask them to take it to court......... They hate doing it as its bad publicity, you have honoured your part of the contract, if they havn't the resources to change the meters its their problem after all. Its not like they can now say you were not in to change or they notified you in writing a certain time back...
They are relying on you to roll over and take it......... Mmmm Sorts both problems you have lol.
Sorry to hear your having a bad day though. Fluck em!!
Mike xxxx biggrin smile :D :) :D :) :D :) :D
Quote by laybysex
On a serious note, and I'm not a legal eagle either, if they hadn't written to you to tell you about the rate changes at the time then I would consider the argument that you had a contract with them which had not be varied and so the increased charges do not apply. .

Sounds good to me..
Any increase in tarrif must be sent out to customers before it is implemented....Unless otherwise stated in the small print..
i agree with the above......take them to court.....go to your local them that darkfire is not to be messed with..... :twisted:
go get them sister! :twisted:
Quote by Steve_Mids
On a serious note, and I'm not a legal eagle either, if they hadn't written to you to tell you about the rate changes at the time then I would consider the argument that you had a contract with them which had not be varied and so the increased charges do not apply. .

Sounds good to me..
Any increase in tarrif must be sent out to customers before it is implemented....Unless otherwise stated in the small print..
just found this they really are b******s i think laybysex & steve are right they cant increase the charge without letting you know first! mad :x
if nothing else works you can always threaten to leave them & use another supplier here is a link just enter your post code & it finds the cheapest supplier in your area!! smile

its a completly free site that is just to save people money :) :)
just a thought.....
we`re on a key meter....we get a statement once a year with "cost of energy used" and total we put on the key..........
have you had one???
and according to our last statement they owe us £ 78!!!!!!!!!!!!!
still waiting for the cheque 3 months later!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks 4 reminding us .......
by the way.....we put on around £10 a week.........we`re a large family with teenagers and there r always computers tv washing machines going!!!!!!!!!
seriously recon you`re paying over the odds!!!!!!!!!!
Quote by Darkfire
Sod chocolate, I need a shag rotflmao
all this pent up aggression :taz: , some poor bugger wont know whats hit em :twisted:

Then I will see you at Marcs party wink lol :lol:
But be gentle with me :lol:
that sounds like a horrendous price hike..... that is almost a 80% hike.....
i use a pay meter and mine is about 30 pound a month....
try getting in touch with energywatch and tell them of your complaint....but that sounds ridiculous if it wasn't your fault....
sean xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
as far as I'm concerened, it aint my fault THEY didnt bother coming to alter the meter, I've paid it as required for the last 6 years (the card meter was already installed when we moved in and would have been charged to remove it) and they can come kiss my ass if they think i'm gonna stump up £600+ because of their fuck up :twisted:
Powergen :kissmyarse: :kissmyarse: :kissmyarse: :lol2:
Quote by Darkfire
as far as I'm concerened, it aint my fault THEY didnt bother coming to alter the meter, I've paid it as required for the last 6 years (the card meter was already installed when we moved in and would have been charged to remove it) and they can come kiss my ass if they think i'm gonna stump up £600+ because of their fuck up :twisted:
Powergen :kissmyarse: :kissmyarse: :kissmyarse: :lol2:

Forget my earlier post're in no mood for a shag lol :lol:
well you know they say someones always worse off than your self.....step forward Rob.
I left my Ex to sort out the household finances only to discover when she left last year that she had negotiated a fixed monthly DD and then assumed that it was for unlimited use ! ( Yeah I know ). She managed to run up a bill of over a grand.
I'm still paying it off evil and I'm also with powergen BTW.
Unlimited use? Must be a different planet she/he/it lived on.
(And £30 a month! Fuck me! my electric hasn't been that low for years; neither's the gas, what do you do? Jump into the local river instead of having a bath? Attach a dynamo to an exercise bike to power the computer?)
Just to update - not sure if it's of any interest, but it might be useful to someone out there..... and yeah, sod all to do with swinging, but it does mean I am in an exeptionally good mood today biggrin :D
To recap : I'm now with powergen, who have hiked their prices without altering prepayment meters, and are now calling customers to let them know they're in debt because the meter's arnt collecting at the correct rate.
Me being me got on my high horse, and the outcome of that is that I've had all of the debt wiped out, bar £19. :D :D :D

How???? :shock: :shock: :shock:
well - i changed suppliers a couple of years ago - door to door salesman, signed me up there and then, you know the type.....
anyway, it has emerged that I was significantly in credit with my old supplier, (which i wasnt aware of) but they never reimbursed that credit when I changed suppliers :shock: - so, the company I am currently with have 'claimed it on my behalf' (which raises a few questions in itself confused ) but the result is they've used that credit to wipe out the 'debt' :blob5: :blob5:
Moral of story - if you've changed suppliers, make sure you've checked your statements, because I'm talking a figure of several hundred quid here, and someone else out there might benefit.
I'm still taking it to energywatch though wink cos there are pensioners and others out there who (a) dont have the 'right, i want this sorted and sorted now' attitude I have lol and (b) who cant make money appear from thin air as has happened in my case.
Glad you got it all sorted hun kiss I recently changed suppliers so I'm waiting for the first bill to come in and see what the difference is. If it's way over the top, I'll go back to my old suppliers and the rest of em can kiss it :moon:
Surprised to hear they would charge you to change it, I moved in about a week ago (at last) and found a key meter. Swapped 48 hours later for a non key meter the size of a packet of cigarettes. No charge.
However if you want a rant on electricity I would love to locate the previous owners of this place. Live wire left next to the loft hatch. 6 sockets wired into the cooker 30amp supply with 2 amp lighting cable. Main oven plugged into an unswitched socket he taped to the wall behind a cupboard. Negative leads on the 30amp cooker supply melted through from an overload. Gas heating wired in reverse with negative and earth wrong way round tripping the RCD, that is once I got the old dead RCD replaced...
Oh and all missed by my surveyor as despite costing £600 they dont do electrics...
£500 pound and 2 days of my time up ladders sorting it all out and we still not found the cooker isolator switch he seems to have tiled over or sorted those sockets yet... grrr...