Hi all just wondering if anyone had any embarrassing moments whilst swinging that they had either caused or had happen to them. Anyone dare to tell all. As for me I'm still very new to all this so no moments for me.
too embarrassing to tell lol
I couldn't possibly say :gagged:
Fanny farts, common problem I know, but Id hate to think they came from elsewhere :scared:
Am I weird because I like a fanny fart?
I was getting it on with a woman in a swingers' club. We got off to a really enthusiastic start, but it was a hot night and the airconditioning wasn't very effective. I broke out in a huge sweat and started dripping all over her. It was a total passion killer and we both made our excuses and left.
We got caught dogging by the police once. At first I thought it was a taxi creaping closer until they bathed us in flood lights. I was sitting on the roof of the car at the time being devoured. The guy that was watching legged it back to his car and drove off. When the police came over and questioned what we were doing (stargazing we said) I hid in the back of the car, mortified. The copper i could see from my hiding place (the one asking the questions) was dead pan serious, the other one, out fo my view, was trying to stiffle the giggles in a 'Biggus Dickus' stylee!
Outcome was though, they said carry on, then flashed the blues scattering the rest of the cars in the layby like bowling pins!
Funnily enough, I live (and the swingers' club is in) Nolaville - New Orleans, Louisiana, universally known as NOLA.