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Embarrassing the children

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Oh I wholeheartedly endorse the honourable gentleman's sentiment.
It is incumbent upon a parent to perform the most embarrassing act at the most embarrassing time as often as possible.
I have photos of my son... :twisted: He can run but he can't hide them.
+oh i firmly believe in embarassing the kids and have had many years of fun doing it
sadly the making them tell me they love me n kissing me in front of thier mates doesn't work anymore they just do it as par for the corse so had to up the anti
now i always ask if they have thier condoms even taken to askin thier mates too this really goes down like a lead ballon its great always earns me a good groan and a good "awww mum" even better when i start with the you must respect your chosen lady this gets them red faced n running for the door lol
our youngest has taken to calling us his "american pie parents" so in honour of this i intend to buy him a wank mag and present it to him in front of his mates :twisted:
Prefer embarrassing friends/parents/siblings more so..
my son doesnt embarrass easily which is no fun! :lol2:
Yeah! I love embarrassing the kids. Nowadays one of our things to do is J and I going into the shower together. Once upon a time this would not of been remarked on but after my daughter asked us if we were going to do "It" you know "Have sex". To which we answered in the affirmative to roars of eeeewwwwwww eeuurggghhhh etc. Needless to say we made sure there were some overly noisy moments biggrin
Ha ha .... or kids call us the Haribo parents ;)
We mess around in the supermarket, push each other and they're like Mum Dad ... yelling at us :giggle:
If we really want to ick them out we sit next to each other and kiss .... empties the room sooooooo quickly ;)
On the rare occasions we went into McDonalds or KFC with them, I'd embarrass them by trying to negoiate down the price of the meal.
Quote by Geordiecpl2001
On the rare occasions we went into McDonalds or KFC with them, I'd embarrass them by trying to negoiate down the price of the meal.

Not just my family who does than then redface
best latest one was in pc world spending alot(pc, laptop,totr printer etc etc.. the poor bloke looked like he had never come across haggling in his life, after 20 min he gave up and handed us on to the manager who we managed to swindle even more.
My daughter's embarrassed me the other day while on the train back from birmingham, sat that all quiet she all of a sudden asked "mum whats a milf?" :shock: so though about it and though i can't say what it actually stands for to a 14 year old on a trian lol so i just said, its a term that a younger guy mainly uses towards a older woman hes attracted to....phew well done me a though i got out of that quite well lol to which she replied "oh the cheeky sod im going to kill him!!" so i said why dont tell me someones called you a milf your only 14!! she said "No Luke (and 15 year old lad that hangs about in a group of friends she has and names have been changed to protect any minors lol) said you was one"!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: so i said who that lad i told off the other day for shouting outside the house while i was in bed (i work nights) so she said yes confused to which my eldest said.....ohhhh maybe he likes dominant older woman!!!! :shock: i nearly fell off the chair lol
When shopping for lingerie in the company of my 10 year old daughter, I'd purposly look at thongs, hold them up and ask her opinion, I used to get "oh Mum" but now she justs looks bored, must find something else to do.
Quote by bustylady40
When shopping for lingerie in the company of my 10 year old daughter, I'd purposly look at thongs, hold them up and ask her opinion, I used to get "oh Mum" but now she justs looks bored, must find something else to do.

my kids are like that too, years ago when i used to go shopping i'd pick up the tampons and towels and yell down the isle at the girls "which do you want this month?" waving both in the air, was funny when they went red but now they just look at me as if to say "aint you out grown that one yet?" so i stopped, seemed to loose its fun lol
I'll le you have that one for in a couple years busty lol
I always saved my embarrassing moments for my son as pay back for when he had pissed me off. Like going shopping with him to a clothes shop and waiting til he was over the other side of the shop then calling out "What size pants do you need now?" Also on the rare occasions I dropped him off at Junior school I waited til his mates were around then said "Mummy's going now baby. Come and give me a big kiss" He soon learned NOT to annoy me. I also have the nude baby photos. Do you think this might be why he has never brought a girlfriend home? :twisted:
Ooooh sounds like fun. How old do the kids have to be before they get embarrassed??. Our eldest is 5 and I can't wait until I embarrass her :lol2:
I agree it's a parent's job, but you have to get the balance right. You need to make your kids redface whilst all their friends think you're :cool: !
Once upon a time I could embarrass my children quite easily, nowadays it seems to be in reverse! confused :? We have a great relationship and good laugh together... so I allow them some leeway :giggle: