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Encyclopedia of trivia

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Quote by Baggy Boy
Sorry about that, It was me. I got carried away but I did invite other people to contribute and I did post lots of trivia - you can slap my wrists redface surprisedops:

's awright mate............ thought you was on the pull :smile2:
Quote by Him'nHer
Sorry about that, It was me. I got carried away but I did invite other people to contribute and I did post lots of trivia - you can slap my wrists redface surprisedops:

's awright mate............ thought you was on the pull :smile2:
no his pulling is done at work biggrin
The only thing I pulled last night was a muscle redface surprisedops:
Heres some trivia:
The first product to have a bar code on its package was Wrigleys gum.
More trivia:
The average human has over 1,500 dreams every year.
Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a "Friday the 13th".
Bet you didn't know that !!
Scientifically speaking, onions, apples and potatoes share the same taste molecules but emit different smell molecules. Their differing "tastes" are, therefore, actually, the way we experience their smells.
So there rolleyes
Trivia question:
Q: On Dec. 10, 1953, the first Playboy magazine was released. Which well-known woman was the first playmate?
baggy boy
the nicholas parsons of SH biggrin
Quote by markz
baggy boy
the nicholas parsons of SH biggrin

Wonder what he gives away in his 'sale of the century'? :P
....and is he from Norwich then? lol
Quote by berksbex
baggy boy
the nicholas parsons of SH biggrin

Wonder what he gives away in his 'sale of the century'? :P
....and is he from Norwich then? lol
No, I am not from Norwich and you know it Bexie.
Anyway Its about time you lot posted some trivia on this thread.
Whilst I wait heres one for you all . Did you know that :
Attila the Hun - 453 AD --- bled to death from a nosebleed on his wedding night.
One more before I log off:
A South African man choked to death minutes after killing his wife and eating a part of her face following a domestic argument.
Justice, I believe!! lol :lol:
Heres one off the top of my head...
10cc got their band name from the fact that thats the amount of semen a man produces when he ejaculates lol
Quote by GenHertsCpl
Heres one off the top of my head...
10cc got their band name from the fact that thats the amount of semen a man produces when he ejaculates lol

Goodness, is that all? When it's all in your hair and over your face it always seems so much more :P
But good bit of trivia about 10cc. UB40 took their name from the Unemployment benefit (signing on) form during the 80s when high unemployment.
Beijing has three dotted letters in a row (in lower case). Other words with multiple dotted letters are remijia, bogijiab, pirijiri, kharijite (which are all in W2), gaijin (in OSPD3), Fiji, Hajji, hijinks, hijiki (a type of seaweed), Ujiji (where Stanley found Livingstone in 1871), Ajijic and Pijijiapan (cities in Mexico), jinjili (an alternative name for "sesame seed"), ijijimò (Nauruan for the adjective "lean," and Nauruan is a palindrome!), Shijiazhuang (Chinese city) .
Bloody Hell - how sad is that one !!
Quote by berksbex
Goodness, is that all? When it's all in your hair and over your face it always seems so much more :P
Aren't you forgetting that 15 men ejaculating over your hair and face will produce 15 times the amount!
Chris wink
Gerontophilia is to have sex with someone many decades older than yourself.......
i.e ....... a 20 year old with an 80 year old...... lol
equi-princess xxx
More trivia:
If you laid all the women in Newcastle end to end, you'd be exhausted...
The more sex you have, the more you will be offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones. These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy!
Everyday, 200 million couples around the world have sex, which is about over 2000 couples at any given moment.
and not one of them is me :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Quote by Baggy Boy
More trivia:
did you know that porcupines masturbate by holding a stick between their legs and rubbing their genitals against it.

Really sounds very similar to woman using a vibrator :P I wonder what their version of a rabbit is??? mmmmmmmmmm Sticky one this!
China has more English speakers than the U.S.
Minks have intercourse that lasts an average of eight hours.
Any Minks out there?
Keep away from me lol :lol: :lol:
Pigs have an orgasm that last 30 mins :shock:
Dolphins are the only other mamal that have sex for recreation...........
your dog shaggin your wellington doesn't count :P
An adult gorilla's penis is only two inches long.
and here's me thinking I was human !!!!!
More trivia:
Hybristophilia is arousal derived by having sex with people who have committed crimes
I dropped some litter once, anyone interested wink :wink: :wink: :wink:
More people live in the borough of London than in the coruty of Denmark as a whole.
In the winter an ice walk between Denmark and Sweden can be made.
The Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen has been vandalised three times since it was placed in the harbour, the last time being 11th sept 2003 when she was blow up with dynamite under her knees. It took over a month to remake her from the original cast and replace her on the stone which was covered with a peice of black tarp' until her return.
A person will never sneeze with their eyes open.
The amount of kitkats made in a day would go around the world if laid end to end. ;)
Gem. x
A man named Ed Peterson is the inventor of the Egg McMuffin.
The secret recipe for Coca Cola, code-named "Merchandise 7X" is kept under lock and key in a vault in the SunTrust Bank Building in Atlanta, Georgia, the home of Coke inventor Dr. John S. Pemberton and current world headquarters of Coca Cola International.
In Bavaria, beer isn't considered an alcoholic drink but rather a staple food.
The only nation whose name begins with an "A", but doesn't end in an "A" is Afghanistan.
Ireland currently has the fastest growing economy in Europe - the economy grew by 40% from 1993-1997. It is for this reason that the country is referred to as the Celtic Tiger.
Parker Brothers prints about 50 billion dollars worth of Monopoly money in one year.
It's raining as I write this. lol :lol:
Oh! Ok, I'm gone!
redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: bolt
pigs orgasm for 30 minutes ???
no wonder when the daddy pig got a corkscrew shape penis !!!!!!
Quote by little Gem
The amount of kitkats made in a day would go around the world if laid end to end

Does Kitkat know about this, and which way round / end would Kitkat be laid? :shock:
Mosquitoes, which mate in the air perform a sex act that lasts only 2 seconds rolleyes
Does that fact make anyone feel better? :P