In the recent shaving thread, I asked for advice on a shaving issue, and received lots of helpful pms.
I also received written account, of the experience of a male forum poster, who wishes to remain anonymous.
This was the first time he'd written anything, and I felt his writing was so beautiful, delicate and erotic that it should be shown, and I have his full permission to reproduce it HERE.
Which got me thinking - what is it that makes good erotic reading?
I know it's each to their own, but for me, I like delicate writing, where the tension is built up gradually. I like paragraphs - I can't be bothered to fight my way through a solid block of text, with little or no punctuation.
And I like a good story line, and especially ones that you think, yes, that really could have happened!
Do you like erotica? What is it that makes it good or bad?