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Erotica/Old Ground

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Afternoon all,
I've not been around here for a while so I may have missed this, but did anyone here every report the fantastically bizarre reason why the Manchester Erotica show was cancelled?
If not I'll post it; it's hilarious.
Beat me to it Dave
Go on then.....why?????
"Erotica Manchester Cancelled after Low Attendance
An erotic fair in the northern English city of Manchester has closed after two years because attendance numbers are two low. Manchester men have been blamed by Erotica Manchester organisers, who say many women wanted to attend the fair.
Event director Savvas Christodoulou said that northern women were "under the thumb of their other halves" and hence didn't feel comfortable attending. The fair showcases videos, sex toys, clothing and footwear. It opened last Friday to poor numbers.
A spokesperson said: "We thought Manchester was an open minded city but maybe we were wrong. People flock to our show in London but it seems that up here, the traditional northern male still calls the shots."
Bloody hell Savvas, you're wronger than Wrongy Wrongerson, winner of last years Mr Wrong competition*.
If only we had his email or phone number, I'm sure there are plenty of 'under the thumb' Northern women and 'shot-calling' Northern males who would like to personally set him straight...
*Paraphrased from Blackadder.
Probably because wanky manc council thought it would be too much fun...same reason they closed down Bowlerssad
Bloody hell, I'd forgotten Bowlers...
So Northern Men still call the shots but then that would seem that southern men don't as attendence for erotica was high down here then!.......right over to the northern ladies for their opinions?
As the London one is very successful, does that mean us southern women rule the roost! whip smackbottom :giggle: I always said that was the case! wink
Quote by Cock of the North
Bloody hell, I'd forgotten Bowlers...

Aye, and they've even knocked the Sanctuary down now, worlds gone mad I tell you confused
Quote by da69ve
.......right over to the northern ladies for their opinions?

Err.... is it not now proven that they aren't allowed one dunno
the Laird bolt
It's only a bluddy joke FFS wink
The almost total lack of advertising might just have had something to do with the low attendance as well.
We got a flier about it because we had been before but we only saw 1 advert for it, in a paper on the Friday it started. It really was a poor exhibition, with a very reduced number of outlets and very few punters through the door.
Quote by Tantastic
Probably because wanky manc council thought it would be too much fun...same reason they closed down Bowlerssad

Bowlers....?? confused :? :?:
Quote by bigDewi69
Probably because wanky manc council thought it would be too much fun...same reason they closed down Bowlerssad

Bowlers....?? confused :? :?:
Its a huge leisure centre in Manchester, used to hold raves there until manc coucil took away its licence mad
This topic has been covered before in here - I won't dare say how I found out.... rolleyes no mantras....
Tantastic, where was the Sanctuary?
Being a (relatively) young slip of a thing I only caught the tail end of Bowlers, but it's sad to see these places go. Hacienda as a block of flats, and selling the glazed bricks off for a tenner a go. Disgraceful.
I agree about the poor marketing. Taxi receipt ads and a 'fun (in the loosest sense) bus' with posters on was all I saw pre-show. The insider knowledge is that the events fate had been decided even before it opened it's doors this year.
We Northerners are a sexually hedonistic and devilishly deviant lot . If you can't get us into G-Mex for a big exhibition about sex then you're doing something badly wrong...
The sanctuary was in Kilton Keynes, its just been raised to make way for the new MK Dons stadium. Its where all the big Helter Skelter / Slammin Vinyl events were. All todays big events are now moving into clubs as todays generation dont want to get their trendy clothes soiled in scummy warehouses...
*its not like the old days grumble*
Eeee... Kid's 'o' t'day... Don't know they're born.
Aye, it was a sad day when the hardcore police pulled me in and made me trade in my horn and white gloves for a walking stick and driving gloves sad
Quote by Cock of the North
. Hacienda as a block of flats, and selling the glazed bricks off for a tenner a go. Disgraceful.

I guess hacienda that, then?
Quote by Mac69
. Hacienda as a block of flats, and selling the glazed bricks off for a tenner a go. Disgraceful.

I guess hacienda that, then?
lol :lol:
I had to read that a couple of times.....
We went to last year's Erotica in Manchester. Paid 30 quid in to see an Ann Summers-style assortment of sex toys and fetish clothing, and a few drooled-over glamour models.
The kinkiness must have been too much for us all and we couldn't dare go back again this year. Thatmust have been the reason!
One high point was the Shagrag stall. Brilliant idea!
Excellent Hacienda gag.
'Shagrag'? Whats that then?
Quote by Cock of the North
Bloody hell Savvas, you're wronger than Wrongy Wrongerson, winner of last years Mr Wrong competition*.

I love blackadder biggrin
'Shagrag'? Whats that then?

It's a lovely plush little towel (that's the rag bit) that you use to ...ermmmm.... mop up after a shag!
Comes in various colours with embroidered motif. Can be a bit embarrassing if guest helps themselves to a towel!
Variations: shagbag (overnight play bag), cumcloth etc!
Quote by pan_bi
'Shagrag'? Whats that then?

It's a lovely plush little towel (that's the rag bit) that you use to ...ermmmm.... mop up after a shag!
Comes in various colours with embroidered motif. Can be a bit embarrassing if guest helps themselves to a towel!
Variations: shagbag (overnight play bag), cumcloth etc!
OFGS! ........ someone's making money out of that?
Whatever happened to using tissue?
C x
Maybe I'm just lucky, but I find tissue is never quite enough to mop up what I get!!!
Anyone who's ever hobbled around in the dark looking for a handy teeshirt will appreciate these!