At the risk of bein accused of boostin me own thread (bollox,I'm ard n I've got a gun) I thought I'd help our northern visitors by issuing some oft used expressions in Gods'county replete with no means an exclusive list,please feel free to add, but put together with and the occasion in mind:
"Proper"- Correct/very good
"Safe"-All ok (thanks)
"angin"-Not feeling too well
"Ideas above your Liverpool St.-Egotistical
"Up the Gary"-Anal sex
"All gone a bit West Am"-Started well-fell apart.
"Jammeen"-Do you know what I mean?
"Goin for a Tom"-Going to pass a motion
"Laughin at the great white phone"-Vomiting.
"Sorted"-I have managed to procure some stimulants.
"avin a jimmy"-Urinating
"right,dya want some cunt?"-Would you like to step in to the car park,where could discuss this further?
I hope these are of value to our northern chums.
I thangyooo.
Lb :love:
Aw Babe wots confusin ya?
Let ol Lazee help out ere.
Lb :love:
First raiders spotted just outside Luton.
parrantly one of em's brought is whippet.
Lb :love:
Three have bin turned back at M25/M1 junction as they refused take of their style police are escortin em back home.
Lb :love:
Dave its "noorveners"geez.
Lb :love:
i hve just spotted a few trying to get through on the m40.. they have been sent back..i will look for a different rout for them...even get eager to smuggle them in the back of the truck
So if you're nodding when I say 'Dave do you wanna fuck', does that mean I shouldn't get too excited?
so am i offially the first northerner down for the munch tomorrow....
so where do i fine a proper pint of beer or am i going to have the put up with warm flat lager all weekend.... lol
sean xxxxxxxxxxxx
northerner on tour!!!!
Well a bridgehead has been created,wont b long for we're up to our knees in ferrets.
Tin ats at the ready!
Lb :love:
mmmmmmmmmmmm chips and gravy...order some for me Sean, there's a good lad
i forgot how much your alcohol costs down here.... how do you put up with all this....
sean xxxxxxxxx
What if they've spat in it?