Thank you all.
We came, we saw. and we munched ! ! !
Another complete absolute blast. They just get betterer and betterer.
I've always been grateful, and very happy to see ladies in stillettoes. A nicely turned ankle, the slight forward arc of the upper leg. But girls, how the fluck do you wear them ALL NIGHT ???????
My legs felt as tho I'd been riding for 3 days without stirrups ffs ! ! ! ! !
So - let me look.
Let me see.
Even let me feel.
But ffs - DON'T LET ME WEAR THEM ! ! ! ! !
well as someone who travelled all the way from manchester to essex..can i say it was a great night... lots to remeber but as ever certain things will stand out (apart from the obvious)
dambuster - well what can i say.. red suits you!!!
wishmaster.. nice legs mate...
and last but not least....
my late night smooching partner....who will NEVER EVER be allowed to live this down...dawn mids..thanks for the dance xxxxxxxxx
oh and not forgetting the dj who entertained us all night and yes..took us all home in the back of his van...essex taxis are certainly different!!!
thanks for a great night chards and mr d. right laught it was i tell ya. dammie dont ever force me to wear blokes shoes again my bloody feet are killing me.
i see dawn-mids is in denial again !!!!
Once met never forgotten lol
Thanks to Denise and MrD. Had a fantastic evening. As usual I'm left thinking if I was at the same place as everyone else as I never seemed to get round to meeting everyone. And the night seemed to be over too too quickly
Still all the more reason to look forward to the next one.
Thanks to Chardonay and MrD for the great night.
It was nice to put faces with names, see you all again soon.
Sounds like you all had a great time - can you make sure we're on the thread for the next one. M&T
great do chards and MrD ..... well the bits i remember of it anyway
It was great to see everyone - I was the slightly drunk tart who was snogging everyone! LOL, I hope I didn't offend anyone and I'll try and remember all the snogs next time
horny old tart..where was my snog then!!!!!!!!!
well smokerjim , you had better come to another social then .... i would hate to think i had scared you off !!!
and david48 , sorry hon ......... next time ;)