Hi, just been checking the Travellers' Tips stickies for info on Morocco ( there isn't any! ). One of the recurring subjects that came up was how much less "reserved" our Continental Brethren are as compared to the Good Old Hands to Ourselves Brits.
J&I go over to swing in Europe pretty often ( Acanthus in Belgium being our current fave spot ) and there is certainly a different point of view as regards initial contact.
The British rule seems to be either ask permission or wait to be invited before laying a hand on the object of your desire. The European way is to place a hand gently somewhere unthreatening (so an unwelcome grope of the boobs or genitals still merits a kick up the arse) and wait for a response. A gentle push away of the hand is the accepted way of saying, "Thanks but No thanks...". A gentle guidance of the hand toward somewhere more arousing is taken as a "Yes please :-) "
It's not a matter of the Europeans being "pushy", it's just how they do things and a gentle touch from an interested party is never viewed as intrusive.
Oh, and if any MF couples fancy a gentle touch or two we're in Agadir until Thursday :-)