So, who's been to Lakeside and lost their car in a Car Park ???
and it wasn't me............ We were in his car !!!!
I am worried could this be the start of senile dementure ?
Quote by tigersgobounce69
I, (mrs tiggs) can go one better.
Years ago Lakeside had not been open long and I popped up there to do a bit of shopping. I parked the car in one of the multi story car parks on the roof. (where I normally park).
I came back about 2 hours later from spending all my ex husbands money, I looked round for my car and it wasnt there. I search the whole floor and after about 20 mins I called security to report that my car had been stolen.
Security came up and asked where I had parked it and I point to a car that was now in the space that my had been in. I then said the security man that I should ring my husband and let him know that my car has been nicked.
I called him and said My cars gone, its been nicked, I was really upset and nearly crying at this point. To this my husband said, WHAT, hang on and the phone went down, a few minutes later he came back and said, babe your car is still outside the house. I was now totally confused cause I could not understand how my car had ended up back outside my house.
I explained this to my husband who then called me a stupid cow, cause I had not taken my car to lakesire, I had taken his!!!!
I then looked down at where I was leaning and realised that the space that I thought my car was parked was actually my ex husbands car
Now thats BLONDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote by blonde
So, who's been to Lakeside and lost their car in a Car Park ???
and it wasn't me............ We were in his car !!!!
I am worried could this be the start of senile dementure ?
Quote by freckledbird
thought she'd lost hers, but that's because davej moved it when she'd gone shopping, the sod
Quote by blonde
So, who's been to Lakeside and lost their car in a Car Park ???
and it wasn't me............ We were in his car !!!!
I am worried could this be the start of senile dementure ?
Quote by blonde
So, who's been to Lakeside and lost their car in a Car Park ???
and it wasn't me............ We were in his car !!!!
I am worried could this be the start of senile dementure ?
Quote by davej
So, who's been to Lakeside and lost their car in a Car Park ???
and it wasn't me............ We were in his car !!!!
I am worried could this be the start of senile dementure ?