I'm very grateful to Evolution or God.
Opposing thumbs.
Aren't they wonderful ?
With/Because of them we can . .. .
Peel oranges.
Catch a ball.
Hold a pint pot

Click your fingers.
And I'm sure a whole host of other things that the fishes can't manage. (Fishes don't have them)
But the thing I like doing mostly with my opposing thumbs, is the spreading, opening and squeezing thing.
Ask a girlie to be on her hands and knees, and "present" to you.
If I put my wonderful opposing thumbs inside her (the pink way) I can pull in opposite directions ( see - opposingthumbs :thumbup: ) while having the palms of my hands flat across/on the but-tocks. Thereby opening the wonderful world of pussy, and see, touch, taste, feel parts not normally on display or available. (It also helps little cock'd men such as I to give a girlie a similar feeling to having a real sized cock to "stretch her a little"

And while my hands are flat across the but-tocks, the wonderful opposing thumbs allow us to twist our wrist slightly, and at the same time - squeeze. If you have the lights on (and haven't yet received a slap) - you can open, spread and squeeze everything. If you're lucky the cute little chocolate starfish might wink at you - or maybe even blow you a kiss

Oh yes - I love my opposing thumbs.
I have to say tho . . . . .
While I'm grateful to Evolution or God for my opposing thumbs; I'm a little disappointed that he/they didn't give me a dick on my chin (or forehead, depending which way you lay) so I would have been able to lick while I shagged. Threesomes are okay, and the sideways sort of reverse spoony blow job is good; but to be able to suck the clit of the pussy you're in must be a wonderful thing. Even more wonderful than my wonderful opposing thumbs.
What are you grateful to Evolution or God for ??
And what would you have liked that he/they haven't yet given us ?