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Exceptional males only.

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Its difficult to put down what one's experiences do to you sometimes. I had an encounter recently which was glorious but I don't really know why or how it was so special. So I am not sure I could advertise for such an experience again or the type of person who I think would make that happen.
From the outset it would be limiting and alientaing a lot of people from feeling they could enter into responding. Because I would probably be very focussed on recreating that experience. So why would I do that if it were to make people feel that it was unlikely they could fulfil that.
So if I chose to use an expression which alienated most people but gave some kind of encouragement to another group whom I felt could most closely fulfill me, I might begin to use a variety of words such as 'accomplished' 'consummate' or even 'effecting'.
Unfortunately the actual meaning of exceptional is double barrelled. It means oustanding in good qualities and also notoriously bad ones. So having to play the teacher, exceptional is indeed a somewhat contradictory word to use. Exacerbating the more literate amongst us.
So again its the use of a 'gotten about' expression which really can cause a lot of misunderstanding.
Master of Sex
Quote by duncanlondon
Its difficult to put down what one's experiences do to you sometimes. I had an encounter recently which was glorious but I don't really know why or how it was so special. So I am not sure I could advertise for such an experience again or the type of person who I think would make that happen.
From the outset it would be limiting and alientaing a lot of people from feeling they could enter into responding. Because I would probably be very focussed on recreating that experience. So why would I do that if it were to make people feel that it was unlikely they could fulfil that.
So if I chose to use an expression which alienated most people but gave some kind of encouragement to another group whom I felt could most closely fulfill me, I might begin to use a variety of words such as 'accomplished' 'consummate' or even 'effecting'.
Unfortunately the actual meaning of exceptional is double barrelled. It means oustanding in good qualities and also notoriously bad ones. So having to play the teacher, exceptional is indeed a somewhat contradictory word to use. Exacerbating the more literate amongst us.
So again its the use of a 'gotten about' expression which really can cause a lot of misunderstanding.

Because I am perhaps one of "the more literate" among us, and because I don't tend to make vague statements, I did put the following in my profile when it was written some time ago:
"By exceptional we mean guys with intelligence, respect and those who Goldsmith has some sort or rapport with. This takes time, it doesn't happen in 10 minutes."
Why is this causing so much fuss?
Sex God
Quote by goldsmith
Because I am perhaps one of "the more literate" among us, and because I don't tend to make vague statements, I did put the following in my profile when it was written some time ago:
"By exceptional we mean guys with intelligence, respect and those who Goldsmith has some sort or rapport with. This takes time, it doesn't happen in 10 minutes."
Why is this causing so much fuss?

Dont flatter yourself :lol2:
Its not just your profile that being discussed here ;-)
Master of Sex
Quote by Steve

Because I am perhaps one of "the more literate" among us, and because I don't tend to make vague statements, I did put the following in my profile when it was written some time ago:
"By exceptional we mean guys with intelligence, respect and those who Goldsmith has some sort or rapport with. This takes time, it doesn't happen in 10 minutes."
Why is this causing so much fuss?

Dont flatter yourself :lol2:
Its not just your profile that being discussed here ;-)
I realise that, I am not flattering myself at all. I am just trying to make a point, that's all.
Because I am perhaps one of "the more literate" among us, and because I don't tend to make vague statements, I did put the following in my profile when it was written some time ago:
"By exceptional we mean guys with intelligence, respect and those who Goldsmith has some sort or rapport with. This takes time, it doesn't happen in 10 minutes."
Why is this causing so much fuss?
The word doesn't need to be redefined or given a different meaning.
Master of Sex
Quote by duncanlondon
Because I am perhaps one of "the more literate" among us, and because I don't tend to make vague statements, I did put the following in my profile when it was written some time ago:
"By exceptional we mean guys with intelligence, respect and those who Goldsmith has some sort or rapport with. This takes time, it doesn't happen in 10 minutes."
Why is this causing so much fuss?

The word doesn't need to be redefined or given a different meaning.
Exactly my point - exceptional means not ordinary; uncommon; rare; better than the average; superior. Nothing wrong in aiming high is there?
Quote by goldsmith
Because I am perhaps one of "the more literate" among us, and because I don't tend to make vague statements, I did put the following in my profile when it was written some time ago:
"By exceptional we mean guys with intelligence, respect and those who Goldsmith has some sort or rapport with. This takes time, it doesn't happen in 10 minutes."
Why is this causing so much fuss?

The word doesn't need to be redefined or given a different meaning.
Exactly my point - exceptional means not ordinary; uncommon; rare; better than the average; superior. Nothing wrong in aiming high is there?
Nothing at all wrong with aiming high, would not suit us though as we only meet single males and we feel the word exceptional would filter out too many worth while meets. I guess you would need to be a very confident person to say yes I am exceptional.
We nearly turned down an exceptional male because his photos on here were so poor, but when we met he was far hotter than his pictures would have suggested.
As long as it works for you, that is the main thing.
Quote by goldsmith
Because I am perhaps one of "the more literate" among us, and because I don't tend to make vague statements, I did put the following in my profile when it was written some time ago:
"By exceptional we mean guys with intelligence, respect and those who Goldsmith has some sort or rapport with. This takes time, it doesn't happen in 10 minutes."
Why is this causing so much fuss?

The word doesn't need to be redefined or given a different meaning.
Exactly my point - exceptional means not ordinary; uncommon; rare; better than the average; superior. Nothing wrong in aiming high is there?
But it doesn't mean intelligent, respectful and having rapport with?
Master of Sex
Quote by duncanlondon
Because I am perhaps one of "the more literate" among us, and because I don't tend to make vague statements, I did put the following in my profile when it was written some time ago:
"By exceptional we mean guys with intelligence, respect and those who Goldsmith has some sort or rapport with. This takes time, it doesn't happen in 10 minutes."
Why is this causing so much fuss?

The word doesn't need to be redefined or given a different meaning.
Exactly my point - exceptional means not ordinary; uncommon; rare; better than the average; superior. Nothing wrong in aiming high is there?
But it doesn't mean intelligent, respectful and having rapport with?
It does in my world and in the context of my profile lol - just an interpretation of not ordinary; rare; better than the average; rare; superior; - although I quite like ordinary wink
Sex God
"exceptional" ................... <nudge> what? dunno ................ eh? <yawn> ....
OHHHH, .... that'll be me then :lol2:
sorry couldnt be arsed with 5 pages zzzzzzzz
BUT .... HELLOOOOOOO :inlove:
yeah right lol
ok, i'll go back to sleep .............. if anyone hears the words .. get ya coat, giveus a nudge??
Quote by goldsmith
Because I am perhaps one of "the more literate" among us, and because I don't tend to make vague statements, I did put the following in my profile when it was written some time ago:
"By exceptional we mean guys with intelligence, respect and those who Goldsmith has some sort or rapport with. This takes time, it doesn't happen in 10 minutes."
Why is this causing so much fuss?

Don't you mean some sort of rapport?
and I'm NOT one of the "more literate". Even if I wasn't dyslexic I'd check my posts before I preach. smile You might want to change it on your profile too ;) :)
Master of Sex
Quote by poshkate

Because I am perhaps one of "the more literate" among us, and because I don't tend to make vague statements, I did put the following in my profile when it was written some time ago:
"By exceptional we mean guys with intelligence, respect and those who Goldsmith has some sort or rapport with. This takes time, it doesn't happen in 10 minutes."
Why is this causing so much fuss?

Don't you mean some sort of rapport?
and I'm NOT one of the "more literate". Even if I wasn't dyslexic I'd check my posts before I preach. smile You might want to change it on your profile too ;) :)
Well thanks for that, I have corrected my typo on the profile.
And who is preaching, I certainly wasn't.
Quote by meat2pleaseu

/hyjack on
Ello Lardy, bout time you dragged yourself back when's your delicious goddess of a wife gonna get her posting boots back on?
(she only has to wear the boots....nothing else wink )
/hyjack off
I'll tell her you were asking after her shall I? :wink:
Sex God
Quote by goldsmith
I am interested in what people think I mean in my profile when I say 'exceptional single guys'?
I know what I mean, but it obviously creates the wrong impression.
We don't meet many single guys mainly because we generally prefer to meet with couples. But we don't totally dismiss it if someone nice comes along who I really fancy meeting. Therefore it is exceptional, perhaps in circumstance than the individual himself. Is that more clear or is it going to confuse even more?

I'll tell you what "exceptional" means to me... and I can only answer for me... it means absolutely nothing!
people who put it down may think it says something... but in practice it is so subjective that if you asked a hundred people, you may well get a hundred different answers.....
and then the is the subject of people replying? Do I see myself as "exceptional"? I don't but others may do...... again, very subective.......
I'd rather someone just tell me what the are after, which you did in actually explaining what it meant to you, rather than use cliche stock words of which "exceptional" is the latest en vogue word
Sex God
Quote by brucie
by the way, exceptional (ie. fit as fuck, clever, rich, sexually submissive) women are welcome to contact me and massage my ego and/or cock.

I dont think your ego needs massaging as you seem quite capable of doing that yourself and come to think of it judging by THIS you do a fair job of the other....
Sex God
lol Ive just read a profile that says
"having the X factor is a must"
Woo hoo, off to burn a DVD
See you later
I would like to think that my profile kinda does the sifting for me... pretty much anyone daft enough to read all the way through is going to be fairly exceptional wink
On a more serious note, I wouldn't use the phrase because I find it cliched and I also trust my own judgement enough to sort the exceptional from the humdrum on the basis of whatever interaction I have with that person.
Nola x
Sex God
Quote by brucie
whats the big deal. why do people take such offence by a request for an exceptional person??? oh yes, its the SH "inclusive" policy...
ffs, stop playing dumb peeps. you know exactly what exceptional means in this context. its a fucking swinging site, so people are unlikely to be looking for an exceptional plumber.
whenever someone comes on tot he forum asking why as a single guy they arent getting laid every night from here the advise is that they need to stick out... be exceptional. capice?
so get off your fucking high horses.
by the way, exceptional (ie. fit as fuck, clever, rich, sexually submissive) women are welcome to contact me and massage my ego and/or cock.

and we all go by the rules, guides and instructions of the all mighty brucie!!!! I am sorry to have gotten it all wrong for the last 5 plus year, and bow down to your 3 plus months experience!!!!rolleyes:roll: yes they are rolled eyes....more than that... I am really annoyed.....
I am surprise ya ego actually lives in the same postcode as you... you are arrogent condescending, and downright rude... and thats a good day....
I for one have had enough of the "world according to the almighty one" and I have really bitten my lip and you put down and drag down people to your level.....
the only one on a "fucking high horse" here is you..... I don't get what people see in you and never will.... you came in like an arse.... stroll on like an arse, and prance round like an arse.....
phew... i feel so much better for saying that.....
nothing changed since day 1.....
Getting back to the debate.........
I think the main point being discussed is why is such a language being employed
and what benefits are people deriving from it all? The use of words and expressions is being developed into a style which is creating and/or making worse, some problems.
A lot of it comes across as casual and quickly thrown together. Because they are these
fashionable words which seem to have been created or designed for the purpose of pursuing sex on the site; in a competitive, challenging and reward driven manner. ie you are inspired to react to these adverts with a testosterone filled brain. this is brought on by being humiliated on the one hand, requiring you to stand up for yourself; or given the incentive to believe you will reach some super nirvana by beguiling and enticing
encouragement. ie the voice of the siren working at respondents mixed emotions.
Also many of such adverts are very open ended, and as has been demonstrated; written with mixed meanings and intentions, they are quite rightly left open to as many interpretations. Which is why respondents will attempt to read between the lines and send off a hopefull reply. So for the many advertisers who are fed up with this and send out the warning of 'no single men', it may well be your style of advert which is giving you such a pain.
For those respondents who are getting frustrated by this loop of redundancy its simply
due to the fact that advertisers don't mean what they say because they don't know how
to say what they mean. And never has that old adage been more apparent.