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Exceptional males only.

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And of course there's no accounting for what the advertiser thinks is exceptional. exceptional to them could mean rough as a badgers arse to anyone else.
Quote by goldsmith
I have on my profile that I occasionally meet exceptional single guys - By exceptional I mean guys with a modicum of intelligence, total respect and those who I have some sort or rapport with, the latter being the most important. It's got bugger all to do with being well hung, gymn fit, fat, thin, tall, short, blond, dark, black or white.

Now you see I dont see that as being exceptional but then perhaps I'm not comparing my experience of standards with your experience of standards and therein lies the problem I suppose.
What is exceptional to one person in relation to all those things we see as important to us in a playmate may just be the norm to others, therefore I reckon that exceptional is pretty unquantifiable really.
Putting it on an advert certainly wont filter out those responding.
Quote by goldsmith
I see nothing wrong with this and its not meant to put single guys off in anyway or offend anyone.
I also see nothing wrong in being choosey in the swinging lifestyle, just because we swing, it doesnt mean we will shag anything or anyone. We have high standards in our general life; why would we lower them in the swinging lifestyle.

Totally agree
Quote by duncanlondon
I think its just another one of those expressions that have gotten about and been adopted as part of the language of advertising for sex.

I think thats spot on.
There seem to have been a few threads examining the use of profiles. I still think the language available for such is within a fairly narrow bandwidth. And this is why I think a variety expressions have become convenient to use. I think in some cases people don't really give sufficient thought as to why they say these things, they see it written and probably think 'that sounds like a good thing to say'. Its in effect only one step away from cut and paste; then re-arrange.
But its all there is to work with in reality. There are some well written profiles which are actually quite an interesting read. But hey ho that's what works for some folks, so why mend what doesn't need fixing.
I suspect 'exceptional males' might just be those that read beyond the first word of the profile after perving the photos rolleyes Especially if they take note of any aspects of the profile text that might be aimed at them, whether positive or negative.
Quote by fluff_n_stuff
I suspect 'exceptional males' might just be those that read beyond the first word of the profile after perving the photos rolleyes Especially if they take note of any aspects of the profile text that might be aimed at them, whether positive or negative.

There's writing.... dunno ..... lol
Its just a stock meaningless phrase that fails to communicate properly.
When it comes to profiles I think real words work best.
I think this use of expressions in the profiles is just like that of any other organisation that has developed its own language and 'systems'. A bit indecipherable at first, but once you have knocked about a bit with the regulars you pick up the sense of them and develop the understanding of how they are used.
But it does also create the added factor that people may not necessarily be using them in the same way as others at any given time, if their understanding does not have the equivalent consideration.
So I think a lot of the recent reactions on this topic are simply based on the fact that people aren't sure what others intentions are in using this language. Why have fancy expressions been used in place of simple english etc. But then I suppose that's the challenge in using any language.
Quote by the_Laird

/hyjack on
Ello Lardy, bout time you dragged yourself back when's your delicious goddess of a wife gonna get her posting boots back on?
(she only has to wear the boots....nothing else wink )
/hyjack off
Sex God
Well this thread prompted me into giving all the ads and profile another slight over hall biggrin take a look if you wish. I suppose anything that prompts me to do anything at all is a good thing!
actually i prefer duck fat as i like the taste but hey each to their own lol
Sex God
Quote by brucie
why is this forum so anti anything which isnt decidely average or below.
you are allowed to shout from the rooftop that being a greedy lard guzzling lazy slob makes you a BBW, but heaven forbid you spend a few hours a week in the gym keeping your heart and lungs healthy and reducing the strain on the NHS and want to wear it as a flag of honour. oh no, you must not mention that you dont have an asthma attack after 10 minutes of doggy because that would make you an intolerant arrogant cunt who doesnt realise swinging is for everyone.

Just how narrow is your mind (and I use the word loosely) ??
Just because someone calls themselves a BBW it doesnt automatically mean they are a "greedy lard guzzling lazy slob"
And conversely just because someone doesnt go to the gym for a few hours a week doesnt make them any less of a person or indeed it doesn't automatically follow they will match the oh so elequant rolleyes description given above.....
If you are an example of what going to the gym and not partaking in the pastimes mentioned above is I for one am certainly glad I am not like,nor aspire to be like,you !!!!!
Decidedly average or below....
Sex God
Quote by brucie
that response sums it up.

And why is that ?
Because I openly describe myself as nothing more than average and dont go to the gym dunno
You need to take a look at yourself.....Mind you....Having said that.....
You likely spend most of the day doing just that.....Admiring your none lard guzzling , gym fit,physique rolleyes
Quote by brucie
put this in your pipe and smoke it.
how about this as a hypothesis?
slobs turn to swinging because (especially as a male) it makes getting laid easier?
walk in to a pub or club looking like and having the personal hygene of half the men you see in swinging clubs and if you do make it past teh doorman you have as much chance of pullinga sober bird as i have of shagging a 22 year old bridgitte bardot. same bloke walks in to a swinging club EXPECTING toget laid because it is so un PC to take someone lack of personal standards in to consideration when swinging.

Turning to swinging doesnt make it easier to get laid for a single bloke....
In fact I know several distinctly average guys who do quite nicely and have never been swingers in their lives...
In fact I would say a single guy in the swinging arena stands less chance of "getting laid" as a lot of people are here for specific things whereas IRL they they may well be happy to take what comes along at the time :dunno:
Sex God
Quote by brucie
so are you saying there isnt a not so small element in swingingland that fly the "you have to accept me for what i am or else" flag? which just by chance never seems to be "fit as fuck"?...

AFAIC everyone should be able to say "This is me......Accept me for that" and not have to pander to anyones whim....
Why should anyone pretend to be or indeed have to be like someone else simply to please the small minded ? (I'm not including any kind of roleplaying or similar as thats a totally different thing)
I know I'm overweight and not the best looking bloke in the world but I am me.....
I am what I am (ok I could lose a bit of weight if I had the willpower) but as far as my looks go I have to use what I have been given.....And people will either accept that and converse with me further or they wont accept that and move to the next profile/ad...
I am currently taking bookings for hauntings by the way :giggle:
So No......I'm not saying there aren't people among us who wish to be taken for what they are......I'm not sure about the "or else" bit :confused: as that appears to imply something completely different...
Sex God
Quote by brucie

Is this why we constantly see single males complain that they keep sending cock shot with one liners out, dunno and don't get a shag.

just another manifestation of their laziness.
Ah well......At least I'm not lazy :lol2:
Never sent a cock shot .....Dont even posess one......And all my messages are typed as a specific response to the profile/ad .... :smug:
Sex God
Quote by brucie
that response sums it up.
put this in your pipe and smoke it.
how about this as a hypothesis?
slobs turn to swinging because (especially as a male) it makes getting laid easier?
walk in to a pub or club looking like and having the personal hygene of half the men you see in swinging clubs and if you do make it past teh doorman you have as much chance of pullinga sober bird as i have of shagging a 22 year old bridgitte bardot. same bloke walks in to a swinging club EXPECTING toget laid because it is so un PC to take someone lack of personal standards in to consideration when swinging.

Dream on...... if anything Swingers are more choosy than many people are at chucking out time on a Friday or Saturday night.
Sex God
Quote by Ste_n_Kez
Steve, you missed out that you are House trained lol

Fancy me forgetting to mention my best feature :lol2:
Sex God
Quote by Ste_n_Kez
Just took a look at you profile Tweeky and must say it is well written. Oh and it was a good excuse to have a perv at your shower pics wink lol

Thanks biggrin
Returned the favor for both of yours. Ohh only 100+ photos bet your cameras knackered. Very nice :D
Again its the difference between exceptional males welcome and no single males needed. being the two ends of the scale.
Somewhere in between is where most males will recognise themselves to be. They more or less take it on themselves to work out how undesirable they are by seeing such in a profile.
Which is often why they are found trudging back and forth hopelessly in search of something, at various adult outlets. Lack of confidence created by the non requirements of the society in which they believed would offer so much.
Its a vicious circle of unfulfilled longing. The more they are despised the more they come back to tap on the edges of the black widows web.
But the front of house of the site says 'singles welcome'. But therein are many who contradict this by being distinctly unwelcome. That there is a culture designed specifically against some singles, a subjugating and stifling practise. What is it that requires such self protection? Is it necessary for it to flourish in such a blatant way?
Would a singles not welcome or exceptional males tick box be more acceptable? because somehow the fact that one has to write it lends weight, and adds a personal quality to the discrimination.
I really want their to be a new category on SH for beautiful people. Then they could all fuck off there and leave the rest of us in peace.
A forewarning that the advertisers are not interested in any such types or aspects of swinging would deter the unwelcome from bothering with their adverts. At present one is lured in by the glib net of catch all phrases, which the advertisers feel they need to use. Then almost immediately into the advert; the warning, cum plea is thrown down. It puts both the advertiser and the respondent at odds with each other.
Its no wonder that annoyance mails are sent. The respondent feels crushed and having wasted their time etc. Equally the advertiser has to do something perhaps in a way they don't want to do ie give out a warning. This seems to be an unneccesary bug in the protocol. Quite rightly the advertiser needs to demonstrate their wants and needs, but is left with a clumsy mechanism with which to do it.
Unfortunately it seems to have gone on like this for years. Grinding down the hopes and desires of the singles and frustrating those of the advertisers. I'm surprised its not been reworked to prevent such repeated redundancy.
I think it would help in that people would recognise where they stood with each other without an ugly confrontation. Singles would set off with more confidence in their interests, and look more energetic and have better perspective and prospective attitudes at events and outlets. They'd probably have more chance of sex.
So would the advertisers.
Master of Sex
Quote by Ben_welshminx
Its just a stock meaningless phrase that fails to communicate properly.
When it comes to profiles I think real words work best.

I think you will find that my profile has lots of 'real' words too.
Master of Sex
I am interested in what people think I mean in my profile when I say 'exceptional single guys'?
I know what I mean, but it obviously creates the wrong impression.
We don't meet many single guys mainly because we generally prefer to meet with couples. But we don't totally dismiss it if someone nice comes along who I really fancy meeting. Therefore it is exceptional, perhaps in circumstance than the individual himself. Is that more clear or is it going to confuse even more?
So that's why no one wants to meet me, cos I'm not 'exceptional ffs and here's me thinking it was because I am too damn good looking and too damn tall wink
So it's not something you can ask for. Its something that you find or discover by chance.
But its not something that's easy to put in an advert. Or at least its a clumsy way of saying 'I'd like to be completely surprised and swept off my feet by mister wonderful. But I don't want to have to deal with anything less than that kind of experience.'
But this is something beyond the simple practicalities of arranging to meet someone who may have potential. Whcih is what a site such as this caters for.
I just think that there is a limited useful language available to arrange sex in such a manner as this kind of site, without it seeming too functional and lacking in human warmth.
People's mixed thoughts and feelings are heightened in the pursuit of sex, and its easy for them to lose focus.
I tend to think that gorgeous, glorious sex is spoilt by a lot of wrangling and protracted overtures. Unless they are done in a delightful and accomplished way.
Unfortunately that is not one of the attributes of the British.
Master of Sex
Quote by duncanlondon
So it's not something you can ask for. Its something that you find or discover by chance.
But its not something that's easy to put in an advert. Or at least its a clumsy way of saying 'I'd like to be completely surprised and swept off my feet by mister wonderful. But I don't want to have to deal with anything less than that kind of experience.'
But this is something beyond the simple practicalities of arranging to meet someone who may have potential. Whcih is what a site such as this caters for.

The only person who has swept me off my feet is Silver, who is my Mr Wonderful. We didnt get into swinging to be swept off our feet. We got into it to enhance what we already have and to fulfill some of the fantasies we have, both of which we achieve in many ways.
Quote by goldsmith
So it's not something you can ask for. Its something that you find or discover by chance.
But its not something that's easy to put in an advert. Or at least its a clumsy way of saying 'I'd like to be completely surprised and swept off my feet by mister wonderful. But I don't want to have to deal with anything less than that kind of experience.'
But this is something beyond the simple practicalities of arranging to meet someone who may have potential. Whcih is what a site such as this caters for.

The only person who has swept me off my feet is Silver, who is my Mr Wonderful. We didnt get into swinging to be swept off our feet. We got into it to enhance what we already have and to fulfill some of the fantasies we have, both of which we achieve in many ways.
okay consider yourself grounded.
Master of Sex
gounded as in got to stay in for a week ?? lol
Its just not a very specific way to describe what you are looking for. Because in saying something like that you might be considering a fairly narrow band of people to select from. So this could be detailed, but perhaps in a one to one communication.
And again its not your fault for trying. It's just an aspect of the limited language we all have to work with.
Master of Sex
Quote by duncanlondon
Its just not a very specific way to describe what you are looking for. Because in saying something like that you might be considering a fairly narrow band of people to select from. So this could be detailed, but perhaps in a one to one communication.
And again its not your fault for trying. It's all we have to work with.

I give up!