As far as I'm aware...
He can get:
He can't get:
It seems to be the that's causing the problem.
I've sent the Ping Plotter output to Mark. Hopefully he'll be able to see where the problem lies.
Just run a TRACERT and I'm getting dropped at the same hop as TE.
Ok that blows my idea of dodgy route out... lol... so the return signal is getting lost. Mark can you tracert back to him?
He hasn't got back to me so I don't know for sure.
He was going to try the direct link to the NTL router after putting down the phone. I'll assume that it hasn't worked as he isn't on the site yet..
I don't think it's the NTL router as the Trace gets him to the SH servers (or seems to).
Catch you all on the flip side...
no I doubt it too, but it's worth taking the linksys out of the equation at least, as it's capable of blocking this kind of stuff.
can you see where the 404 comes from? some servers send one out, sometimes the browser creates it. one thing's for sure, the SH server isn't sending it out as I tested and it redirects all unknown urls to the home page.
ok, new in these aprts but if this helps...
I'm an HTHell sufferer myseld and had a similar problem a while back, tried everything but to no avail. tracerouting back to the stall, as matter of desperation I started changing my dns settings to match the first hop in the route and bugger me i it didn't work, never had a bit of bother with NTL since
here's what I have as my dns settings for NTL now, give em a whirl
hope it helps!
Many thanks for all your suggestions.
It seems TE isn't back on yet but we are still trying anything and everything that you all suggest even if we've tried it before!
I'm hoping that Mark might be able to shed some light on the problem now that he's got the Trace.
I was mulling over the fact that the problem seems to be occuring a site where ICMP (Ping) is disabled. Any thoughts on that?
The other thing is that it is a 404 error that is being returned. Not a 500. Any thoughts on that as well?
did he have any joy with surfola? that should at the very least allow him to view the site if not post to it.
well all I can say is, if I ever need an teckkie advise, I know where to ask.
Right, with PiercedJon's help we've got TE back on. :bounce:
It seems to be the "Invisible" NTL Proxy Server settings which were cocking things up. Using the Proxy Server Settings supplied by PiercedJon, TE is now back up and running.
You should see a post from him shortly...
Many thanks to everyone for your help and suggestions, I think we tried virtually all of them at one point or another.
Ahem, can I register a modest - oh fluck it an
Many thanks to everybody who has offered help but particularly to JQL, who has stuck at solving my very long problem for quite a while now - to Mark for his help and to a certain lady who has kept me supplied with oxygen in my airless dungeon of the past month or so! I'm touched in the fullest sense of the word!!!!
Look out! Please........
And a particularly heartfelt thanks to Pierced Jon for coming up with the right answer :!: :!: