Our humble opinion is that it is not unreasonable to expect e-mail dialogue before exchaning phone numbers and pictures, although we understand a lot of people are prepared to exchange without much communication. However if dialogue is a prerequisite to intended meets then you can use this as a way of 'vetting' potentials. If other people are not prepared to go to these lengths, then they're probably not for you!
Hope this Helps..
Mr & Mrs RSAB2 xxx
Blimey :shock: :shock:
Thought I was really quick off the mark then ...... and still come in 4th on the thread :lol2:
Hello & Welcome
Why just email dialogue - how about msn or ICUII (or, at a push, )?
You can use just the chat or cam and/or mic on those.
That is far better than just emails. And at least with the cam you can be certain of what they look like - pics could be of anyone!
Good Luck
Hugs, Alex x
Hiya. Juicy Newbie.
I would think that it’s essential not only to strike up an email dialogue but have that ongoing for at least a little while. At least that way you might be able to get a better feeling of knowing someone. I know that anybody and everybody can say anything they want about themselves. But at least you’ve tried. I sure that people have got together from just simply meeting here in the various forums, chat room and most probably through PMs.
I, personally wouldn’t ask for phone numbers or pictures without some sort of indication from the other party that it was ok. And I certainly wouldn’t ask for either unless I was prepared to give mine.
From what I’ve read and seen here on the site, there are either a lot of ‘timewasters’ and piccy collectors or maybe too many people don’t say “Nice talking to you but we’re not suited†Or “I’m only looking for a quick fxxk, not get to know youâ€
In either case you’re probably better off without them.
I suppose the bottom line is – If you’re not sure or comfortable; don’t do it.
We are not actively looking for swinging meets but past experience suggests your novice intuition is good. Asking for a phone number directly sets off warning bell - we think ads were used to collect suckers phone numbers for spam texting last year. Some genuine people ask for pictures first of all but more likely picture collectors, game players or time wasters. If you can't trust someone to give their real weight or height in a personal description, why assume a photo is not a fake.
Avoid those ads like the plague.
Different question once a promising dialogue is established.
Thanks for all the replies...Being a little shy it's not in my nature to give out loads of personal details without some confidence that the other party is genuinely interested. I've also just read "Roger's Basic Advice for Single Men". What excellent advice! I'm just going to have fun and hopefully make some new friends...if anything more happens great...if not I wont be disappointed.
What an excellent and friendly site you have here - and free!
hmm..... surely msn and other chatrooms would be much better in terms of being able to decide whether the person is really interested, as with emails you never really know, they could reply anytime.
With instant chat you know how well you get on with the person as they have little time to think up some long winded story to get info and pics.
Although, this all depends on how important genuine chat is to you...