Delete all traces...ex for a reason I believe and I never go back!
I seem to be picking up exes all over the place these days!!
I always say ex`s are ex`s for a reason, so why revisit? As for friends I think certain ones comes into your life at certain moments, sort of stepping stones to where were now, so I have no qualms about leaving some people in the past.
some ex partners i still talk to and i still bump into them from time to time
mostly we are amicable together some of them id rather not bother with and 1 has been very traumatic and very costly indeed to the rest of the family
ex friends usually ended up trialing off and going our seperate ways over time
Ex boyfriends are a no-go area! I did get back with one ex who I was still deeply in love with but it was a huge mistake. We were best friends before we got into a relationship and that friendship took a blasting when we split the second time. Thankfully we've now got that friendship back on track but it took some time and it's not the same as it was. Never again!
There have been a couple of swinging meets who I have no desire to meet again but as corrie said, they're hardly ex's, just casual meets. I think there's only been one case of 'should never have met in the first place' but seemed like a good idea at the time ( what WAS I thinking??? ) :doh:
Ex friends ( especially ones who have stabbed you in the back ) aren't worth wasting a thought about. I do have friends who I've sadly lost touch with but that's more due to our respective family and social commitments than anything else.
I'm generally on reasonable terms with a lot of the people whose paths I've crossed, when I actually re-cross their paths. From my own perspective there is a very small and distinct category of people with whom I actively want no further contact. But I'm generally quite lame at keeping in touch, even with some of my closest friends; and indeed my mum wishes I'd call her much more than I do. A lot of my long-lasting friendships persist because the other person has made all the legwork, and I am quite ashamed about that. It's not that I don't love or value the people I never call or text; it's just that I hate calling and texting. (Read also email, facebook, and I won't even go near twitter). Usually when I finally lost contact with someone, I do so with a sense of shame and guilt at not keeping in touch better.
Swing partners are a different category though, as there's quite a clear reason for this connection to evaporate; when I stopped being a couple I immediately lost all the people who were interested in us as a couple; when I went into another relationship, with someone who is very uncomfortable with the idea of swinging (all the more so because she knows all about my past in it), I lost touch with the rest.
I also say it all depends on what has happened.
Ex boyfriends, yes i am still in contact with a few of those, as they were/are great people and the relationship we were in just fizzled out by itself or we just didnt want the same thing. Some ex bf's i do not ever want to see, and am very content to leave it at that. As for going back with an ex, well i never say never as it all depends on what's happened and why we split, and whether the issue that caused the split, have resolved or no longer exist.
Ex friends; very few of these but this is where i am completely clear, no blurred lines at all, we've fallen out over something and it was important enough for me not to want them back into my life ever again. (would take a lot for me to make this decission, but once made i stand by it firmly)
Ex lovers and fb's; yes still in contact with and happily so as they've all been smashing people.