Do you reckon its just a coincidence that this happens right after we gain the privaledge of hosting the olympic games in london? Some jealous french or, gawd it could be any country that lost.
just listening to radio london and sounds horrific.....
if anyone need help with people trying to get out of london via the national rail network.. let me know... i am in constant contact with my rail company who have information...
My son is on Work experience in central London he used The Underground to go to Paddington to be at work for ....he still hasn't made it....i rushed straight home from work i just don't know what to do.....we still have not heard from him!
BBC report all Tubes, central London trains and Buses are stopped. Phone networks are jammed here, priority going to emergency calls.
Blonde.... Dave.... and everyone else with friends and family in London...... my thoughts are with you...... hugs and kisses.....
equi-princess xxx
My grandson and his regiment have just been place on standby so he informs me.
My sympathy and prayers go out to those in London and to those who this may affect.
well I've just got up after a rather large night out, and bit horrified by all of this, has completely passed me by, and have friends coming from london today, meant to be arriving in about 4 hours../....tried ringing, and can't get through!.....
Bit worried about them stuck in choas over there.......mind you , more important things than that,,,,prayers to all...
Yesterday and the day before I was supposed to be in Edinburgh, but we moved our meeting to London, because we thought it would be safer.
I got home to Somerset last night and I feel sick to the stomach right now as I (like pretty much everyone else in London) was on the Tube for most of yesterday afternoon.
My thoughts and hopes for those of you in the Capital, and those of you with friends/family, there.
just to say hope all the london sh posse plus there family and friends are all ok and safe
This is horrendous.
I hope that everyone's family/friends are OK.
It seems to be Arab militants - according to the news.
I suppose that with the G8 meeting going on we should not be too surprised that something was planned but it seems MAD after the happy scenes in London yesterday that we face this horror in the UK capitol city less than 24 hours later.
Thank you for all the PM's ................... and they say this is just a Swingers site ?
Yes, hopefully ................ No news is good news !
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx thanx
Da69e, Blonde and anyone else who has family or friends in London, are thoughts are with you
to all those involved im sure i speak for all of us on here in wishing everyone involved our thoughts and prayers
My thoughts and prayers to the victims and their familes. It is a sad day.