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Extra Sensory Perception......

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Have you ever been somewhere, i.e. a village...... that you know you haven't been to before..... and the place feels familiar????
Or met someone and thought 'strange.... it feels as though i know this person, but thats impossible... as we've only just been introduced....'?????????
Or the strange little voice inside you telling you that something isn't right???? A feeling strong enough in my case, to have changed a ferry ticket at the last moment......
Is it just coincidence?????
Or do we possess a sixth sense about things??????
equi-princess xxx
Spookily, I do things like that all the time! :shock: confused
People usually talk about 'gut instinct' but I think ESP or 6th sense is something more than that - you can either tap into it or you cant. A 'gift' perhaps? Gut instinct usually gives you a 'yes' or 'no' or 'there's something about him/her I dont like.....cant put my finger on it....' feeling. ESP is usually more of a full-on internal warning system!! - hence the ferry ticket change.
It's definately not coincidence!
Dark x
Before I was attached (many years ago) my willy used to do that.......... I would really take to someone but willy would say no and wouldn't come out to play :cry: ........ must have saved me from lots of nasty experiences :grin:
Quote by icklesausage
I had been chatting to this girl recently and she seemed ok and worked near where i live so we had arranged to meet up for a coffee but when i met her I really couldnt get away quick enough I got this really strange creepy feeling from her and felt I didnt want to be around her, apparently one explanation for this was auras and that basically our auras were different and this explains why we get this with some people but instantly hit it off with others. Im not entirely convinced by this as Im quite skeptical when it comes to this kind of thing but I was glad to get away and havent seen her since thankfuly. Even the thought of bumping into her sends scary shivers down my spine.
she did come accross like a bit of a bunny boiler too though confused

debbiewebs has that effect on most people :grin:
Quote by equi-princess
Have you ever been somewhere, i.e. a village...... that you know you haven't been to before..... and the place feels familiar????
Or met someone and thought 'strange.... it feels as though i know this person, but thats impossible... as we've only just been introduced....'?????????
Or the strange little voice inside you telling you that something isn't right???? A feeling strong enough in my case, to have changed a ferry ticket at the last moment......
Is it just coincidence?????
Or do we possess a sixth sense about things??????
equi-princess xxx

EP, did something unusual happen to it?
Was it punctual, comfortable, on a sea like a lily pond by any chance dunno
I do believe in ESP, and have had some experiences but im not one who can 'tap' into as and when i want to. For me its just a flash in my mind, an image, or a feeling that just happens sometimes.
I never used to tell anyone but started to tell my hubby or a friend in case something did happen so they would believe me when i'd say i knew that was going to happen etc.
Once i was having a phone conversation when I suddenly saw myself in a car crash....very odd as we werent talking about anything like that, but I did tell the person i was on the phone to............5 days later I was in a car crash confused
Does deja vu fall into this category dunno ..... had that feeling loads of times.
Not sure if it's ESP or a sixth sense, but I have this intuitive feeling that M2PU is a moron loon bolt
does this count??
many years ago, i was on my bike...motor for anyone thats interested, and as i crested a hill in the town that i used to live in, i noticed a car sitting at a junction, waiting to pull out.
well a few things were predicted by me,
1. she was going to pull out on me.
2. i had no space to avoid hitting her if she did.
3. i was going to bloody hurt
4. bike is going to be wrecked.
5 a long stay in hospital.
do you know, all 5 things actually happened.
I have ESP moments- been having them since childhood - but there came a moment I said 'enough is enough, I don't want to know any more' because I couldn't handle all the stress it brought along. Most of my dreams were prophetic and came true. I dreamed of my ex husband and his town long before I visited, I dreamed of his little room and his mother long before we were there.
The only time my ESP does not work is when I am driving and I am lost. Everytime I reach a fork, I seem to be choosing the wrong path and going further and further away from my destination. Very frustrating but I guess you cannot turn ESP on and off at will. dunno
Quote by johneboy
Have you ever been somewhere, i.e. a village...... that you know you haven't been to before..... and the place feels familiar????
Or met someone and thought 'strange.... it feels as though i know this person, but thats impossible... as we've only just been introduced....'?????????
Or the strange little voice inside you telling you that something isn't right???? A feeling strong enough in my case, to have changed a ferry ticket at the last moment......
Is it just coincidence?????
Or do we possess a sixth sense about things??????
equi-princess xxx

EP, did something unusual happen to it?
Was it punctual, comfortable, on a sea like a lily pond by any chance dunno
Lol..... it sank....... lol
equi-princess xxx
Yep......i have prophetic dreams.......and know when there is something amiss with those close to me. I also seem to be able to psychically link in to other people and did so as recently as this morning.......spooky :shock:
Quote by equi-princess
Have you ever been somewhere, i.e. a village...... that you know you haven't been to before..... and the place feels familiar????
Or met someone and thought 'strange.... it feels as though i know this person, but thats impossible... as we've only just been introduced....'?????????
Or the strange little voice inside you telling you that something isn't right???? A feeling strong enough in my case, to have changed a ferry ticket at the last moment......
Is it just coincidence?????
Or do we possess a sixth sense about things??????
equi-princess xxx

EP, did something unusual happen to it?
Was it punctual, comfortable, on a sea like a lily pond by any chance dunno sank....... lol
equi-princess xxx
Oops redface
Thanks God for the ESP EP........ ESP = Equi Sensory Perception in this case :thumbup:
Quote by johneboy
I had been chatting to this girl recently and she seemed ok and worked near where i live so we had arranged to meet up for a coffee but when i met her I really couldnt get away quick enough I got this really strange creepy feeling from her and felt I didnt want to be around her, apparently one explanation for this was auras and that basically our auras were different and this explains why we get this with some people but instantly hit it off with others. Im not entirely convinced by this as Im quite skeptical when it comes to this kind of thing but I was glad to get away and havent seen her since thankfuly. Even the thought of bumping into her sends scary shivers down my spine.
she did come accross like a bit of a bunny boiler too though confused

debbiewebs has that effect on most people :grin:
Debs goes off to find Johns bunnys :twisted: :twisted:
O and yes ....................i get alot of that..............i have a few storys to tell............ but once i was cyciling home and i had a flat tier.................i dident have a pump..... so i procided to walk pushing my bike along the road thinking to myself i wished i cauld come across one on the side of the road.......................... at that point................ i looked down and there was a pump............and it fitted :shock:
bloody scary i can tell you :scared:
I'm never sure whether to believe in it all or not but...............!
How often have you felt someone looking at you?
How often have you just known who was ringing before you pick it up?
Felt that you had been/seen somewhere when you know damn well that you've never been?
Met someone who just feels wrong?
Intuition? Coincidence? Your mind playing tricks? dunno
I have absolutely no idea but all of these have happened to me on numerous occasions.
Off to hide from the scary thoughts now :scared:
Quote by Debbiewebs
Debs goes off to find Johns bunnys :twisted: :twisted:
O and yes ....................i get alot of that..............i have a few storys to tell............ but once i was cyciling home and i had a flat tier.................i dident have a pump..... so i procided to walk pushing my bike along the road thinking to myself i wished i cauld come across one on the side of the road.......................... at that point................ i looked down and there was a pump............and it fitted :shock:
bloody scary i can tell you :scared:

is it safe to come out yet?

Quote by johneboy
Debs goes off to find Johns bunnys :twisted: :twisted:
O and yes ....................i get alot of that..............i have a few storys to tell............ but once i was cyciling home and i had a flat tier.................i dident have a pump..... so i procided to walk pushing my bike along the road thinking to myself i wished i cauld come across one on the side of the road.......................... at that point................ i looked down and there was a pump............and it fitted :shock:
bloody scary i can tell you :scared:

is it safe to come out yet?

come and get ya corrots now dont be shy
Quote by equi-princess
Have you ever been somewhere, i.e. a village...... that you know you haven't been to before..... and the place feels familiar????
Yep, on several occasions. There is no way I had ever been to these places before or seen pictures of them but it felt like I'd been there before and I knew the area.
Or met someone and thought 'strange.... it feels as though i know this person, but thats impossible... as we've only just been introduced....'?????????
Indeed, I posted on this a few months back. It's happened a few times to me now and is a very strange feeling.
Or the strange little voice inside you telling you that something isn't right???? A feeling strong enough in my case, to have changed a ferry ticket at the last moment......
There are a lot of things I've not done because of that little voice, some say it's stupid but I trust my instincts most of the time.
I get deja vu a lot too. When I was younger I'd get it more than once every day. Now I have it only occasionally but the feelings are more powerful.
I sometimes know when there is something wrong with my family or friends, or also when the landline phone rings I know who it's going to be (I don't have caller ID!)
It's all very strange, and of course a lot of people don't believe that there is anything more in these occurances than coincidence, I don't know what I believe tbh.
Is it just coincidence?????
Maybe, maybe not. I don't have an answer for that. There are a lot of things that happen that can't be justified. I'm not sure I'd want to label it to be honest, I'm quite happy to carry on as I have been and go with my instincts and accept that there are things in this world which I don't and never will understand.
equi-princess xxx

we all have a path in life as in death ...the path is pr-loaded if you like but sometimes we pick up a virus which alters the course and puts us back on a previous path ...which we subconsciously now we've been on the feeling of being thir before.....
Quote by mercman
we all have a path in life as in death ...the path is pr-loaded if you like but sometimes we pick up a virus which alters the course and puts us back on a previous path ...which we subconsciously now we've been on the feeling of being thir before.....

So basically.. what you are saying is, because my path has been pre-loaded, I'm destined to reply and say "That sounds like a load of old bollocks!". Unless of course I have a cold, in which case I'm down a different path, and will instead say "That sounds like a load of crap!".
Nobody controls my destiny, and the sense of deja-vu is your brain being confused.. Your brain processes some of the information it is receiving and instead of storing it in some new memory neuron or whatever it does, it files a piece of it away in an old memory neuron.. And even though we are seeing/hearing/smelling etc the thing for the first time, our brain, because of it filing info in the worng place, makes us think we've seen/heard/smelt it before..
Quote by wolvie_dude
Nobody controls my destiny, and the sense of deja-vu is your brain being confused.. Your brain processes some of the information it is receiving and instead of storing it in some new memory neuron or whatever it does, it files a piece of it away in an old memory neuron.. And even though we are seeing/hearing/smelling etc the thing for the first time, our brain, because of it filing info in the worng place, makes us think we've seen/heard/smelt it before..

Yep - that's the science :thumbup:
I agree with Wolvie Dude on the Deja-Vu thing.. as well as the white light thing when you are dying, but what about psychics who have passed on info, really specific info, from dead relatives... or what about the stories people have about death experiences where they feel like they float out of their bodies and look down on the room, then later (obviously lived to tell the tale) recount specific details of what they saw.. and it being correct.
Ive got one and a half feet in the "its all bollox" camp.. but my toes keep drifting into the "ooooOOOOOoooh spooky!" camp confused
Quote by fluffer
Ive got one and a half feet in the "its all bollox" camp.. but my toes keep drifting into the "ooooOOOOOoooh spooky!" camp confused

Ah, but are they the toes on your left foot or your right? :shock:
(it probably matters, to someone lol )
Quote by freckledbird

Ive got one and a half feet in the "its all bollox" camp.. but my toes keep drifting into the "ooooOOOOOoooh spooky!" camp confused

Ah, but are they the toes on your left foot or your right? :shock:
(it probably matters, to someone lol )
just zone into your third eye and you should be able to see clearly which foot it is.
(do you think that nail varnish is a bit OTT? I think I should have tried a lighter shade)
Quote by fluffer

Ive got one and a half feet in the "its all bollox" camp.. but my toes keep drifting into the "ooooOOOOOoooh spooky!" camp confused

Ah, but are they the toes on your left foot or your right? :shock:
(it probably matters, to someone lol )
just zone into your third eye and you should be able to see clearly which foot it is.
(do you think that nail varnish is a bit OTT? I think I should have tried a lighter shade)
Hmmm maybe blood red isn't quite the right shade - I'd have gone for a luscious purple myself.
I have that feeling occasionally. If I'm receiving text messages I almost always look at my phone or pick it up just before a text comes through.
When we were driving my g/f to hospital a few weeks ago, even though I'd never been there before I had a profound sense of Deja Vu, even down to the view out the windscreen, the weather and the time of day.
Although my only ESP is knowing when I'm going to be shouted at for something..... So far it's 100% correct :grin:
Quote by wolvie_dude
Nobody controls my destiny, and the sense of deja-vu is your brain being confused.. Your brain processes some of the information it is receiving and instead of storing it in some new memory neuron or whatever it does, it files a piece of it away in an old memory neuron.. And even though we are seeing/hearing/smelling etc the thing for the first time, our brain, because of it filing info in the worng place, makes us think we've seen/heard/smelt it before..

Thats close to what I was going to say. Deja Vu is when your brain bypasses the short term memory and stores a new experience straight into the the long term memory, hence the feeling that it has happenend before.
As far as getting a "bad feeling" about a person or situation, most of the time it is because part of the brain is assessing the situation you are in constantly (a suvival instinct). The person you become wary of will be displaying subtle signs that your brain subconsiously picks up on and doesn't like (they maybe saying one thing but there body language is saying something different), hence the feeling somethings wrong.
As far a dreaming things before they happen, getting that gut feeling you must do/not do something yes its happened to me, and nope can't explain it with science.
Someone mentioned auras (sorry being too lazy to go back through the posts to find out who) and on an interesting side note; I have a friend who was born with achromatopsia, which is a genetic trait where the cones in your eyes don't work so you can only see in black and white. Although he can't see colour he swears that he can see auras (in full technicolor!!). Apparently it used to get him into trouble as a kid as he thought it was normal for people to have coloured light surrounding them :shock:
Les x
Quote by equi-princess
Have you ever been somewhere, i.e. a village...... that you know you haven't been to before..... and the place feels familiar????
Or met someone and thought 'strange.... it feels as though i know this person, but thats impossible... as we've only just been introduced....'?????????
Or the strange little voice inside you telling you that something isn't right???? A feeling strong enough in my case, to have changed a ferry ticket at the last moment......
Is it just coincidence?????
Or do we possess a sixth sense about things??????
equi-princess xxx

I think that a lot of people have ESP type abilities but it is not universal .... I think my instincts are usually good on a lot o fthings ...... I have conections with certain people - once was going out with someone who lived in another town and she drove past me a few days later but neither of us has spoken to the other at the time - I spoke to her later that day and shared that feeling of her passsing by - very weird like her emotionally approaching and passing by ..... I feel some people put out signals and some are good at receiving - some both......some places have powerful natural energies that boost things as well - like Glastonbury
Quote by equi-princess
Have you ever been somewhere, i.e. a village...... that you know you haven't been to before..... and the place feels familiar????
Or met someone and thought 'strange.... it feels as though i know this person, but thats impossible... as we've only just been introduced....'?????????
Or the strange little voice inside you telling you that something isn't right???? A feeling strong enough in my case, to have changed a ferry ticket at the last moment......
Is it just coincidence?????
Or do we possess a sixth sense about things??????
equi-princess xxx

Yes this has recently happened to me. I give someone at work a lift home(well to the pub his wife runs) and was introduced to his wife and a couple of the bar staff. I thought I knew one of the bar staff but had never been to any of the areas they had or even been to that particular pub.
Quote by bigDewi69
I have that feeling occasionally. If I'm receiving text messages I almost always look at my phone or pick it up just before a text comes through.

I would say that works the same as if your mobile is too near your car stereo or tv or computer.. You can hear slight interference on electrical devices just as your mobile changes cell, or just before an incoming call or txt comes through.. Your brain must just pick up on these electrical impulses..
I am a huge sceptic on all these things.. I believe mediums just have more sensitive brains than the rest of us.. working on the mobile theory above, they pick up electrical signals from others brains, and can pick out names etc.. I don't believe its anything as spooky as talking to the dead.. ESP, yes, but not in any mystical form.. Just as some people can run faster, add up quicker and write better, others have the skill of interpreting others neural electrical impulses...
Time to get out my tinfoil hat and stop them reading my thoughts!! :shock:
I have always used my intuition/third eye.
I make sure that, i never act on a situation if i am slighty unsure.
IMHO Regrets are unwanted and unnecessary dunno
Nothing is coincidence. wink