Have you ever been somewhere, i.e. a village...... that you know you haven't been to before..... and the place feels familiar????
Or met someone and thought 'strange.... it feels as though i know this person, but thats impossible... as we've only just been introduced....'?????????
Or the strange little voice inside you telling you that something isn't right???? A feeling strong enough in my case, to have changed a ferry ticket at the last moment......
Is it just coincidence?????
Or do we possess a sixth sense about things??????
equi-princess xxx
Before I was attached (many years ago) my willy used to do that.......... I would really take to someone but willy would say no and wouldn't come out to play :cry: ........ must have saved me from lots of nasty experiences :grin:
does this count??
many years ago, i was on my bike...motor for anyone thats interested, and as i crested a hill in the town that i used to live in, i noticed a car sitting at a junction, waiting to pull out.
well a few things were predicted by me,
1. she was going to pull out on me.
2. i had no space to avoid hitting her if she did.
3. i was going to bloody hurt
4. bike is going to be wrecked.
5 a long stay in hospital.
do you know, all 5 things actually happened.
Yep......i have prophetic dreams.......and know when there is something amiss with those close to me. I also seem to be able to psychically link in to other people and did so as recently as this morning.......spooky :shock:
we all have a path in life as in death ...the path is pr-loaded if you like but sometimes we pick up a virus which alters the course and puts us back on a previous path ...which we subconsciously now we've been on the feeling of being thir before.....
I have that feeling occasionally. If I'm receiving text messages I almost always look at my phone or pick it up just before a text comes through.
When we were driving my g/f to hospital a few weeks ago, even though I'd never been there before I had a profound sense of Deja Vu, even down to the view out the windscreen, the weather and the time of day.
Although my only ESP is knowing when I'm going to be shouted at for something..... So far it's 100% correct :grin: