ive just been looking at the extras package, very similer to cool tools ( am i allowed to say that ???)
one thing i didnt like is the whole stealth mode thing.
Ok if i go on cam i would actually like to have the option of who views the cam, rather than everone one being able to. this option is not available.
There are various reasons for this.... there are some people who i dont want seeing me, this may be because they are being rude, whispering without asking etc. The option to avoid this at the moment is to turn the cam off, but why should this have to happen? it could be avoided by having invite option added. Thereby enhancing the comfort of the cammer.
i know the other option is to go into a private room, but not all of us cam only to "put on a show" some it is to actually just show faces. So want to stay in your regular room but avoid the show me your tits whispers.
however i now notice under the extras package those who have it can actually view a persons cam without their knowledge.... ohhhh stalker and creepy in my opinion. Thefore i have now decided that i will no longer go on cam.
it seems bizarre that you have to ask to whisper some one , however this facility allows someone to view you without you even knowing.
am i the only one who is uncomfortable with this thought?
if so ill just shut up, lock the thread and ill go away

xxxxxxxxxx lou xxxxxxxxxx