And when I picked myself up from the floor, I thought that maybe, just maybe, my hitting on a girl technique needed a little fine tuning.
If c@rlsberg did chat up lines, it wouldn't be that one.
Bell :mrgreen:
Quote by little gem
At least it wasn't broad Yorkshite...
"Eeeeeeeeee, baa gum, tha's bit taaaaaaasty. Faaaaancy furrrrrrrtlin' me fuuuuuurrets laaaater lass? Tha haaaaas a reeet lovely snuggly slippaaaas t'wear n paaaaaape tha can smoke after t'fact, laaaaaak. Wass tha saaaaay?"
LG. x
Quote by neilinleeds
Don't be too hard on Gem Trixie. She's from Lancashire tha knos, and still struggling to come to terms wi' t'fact that everything she were ever taught as a nipper about which side o' t'pennines were t'right side were wrong. ;)
Sappho, you had me scratching me 'ead there for a minute with the lookshoery thing. Thought it was some strange dialect I'd not yet come across. I had to say it out loud once or twice but the penny dropped in the end!
BTW, just for the avoidance of doubt I have never once used 'fancy furtling me ferrets love' as a chat up line. I'm not sure using a filthy, furry, smelly little beast as a euphemism for me nads would be much in the way of a winning strategy?
N x x x ;)
Quote by neilinleeds
BTW, just for the avoidance of doubt I have never once used 'fancy furtling me ferrets love' as a chat up line. I'm not sure using a filthy, furry, smelly little beast as a euphemism for me nads would be much in the way of a winning strategy?