i have family and swing friends of facebook, but those i add also know this and behave themselves just as i would expect them to if they was to bump into vanilla friends on a social night out rather than at a swing club when its known what is going on and in the environment that swing takes place.
certain behaviour is accepted on social nights just like certain status' are not right on a vanilla site like facebook and twitter
I use facebook....have and although do get occasional question from family about how do you know this or that person...in general works fine and not had a problem.
Although do know alot that have two accounts, this enables them to maybe put up more risque pics maybe !!
We both have swingers on our friends list on FB. However, we do so because we feel they really are friends. These are people we spend a lot of time with and have become genuine friends over the years.
We always remind people it is purely a vanilla account and that our friends and family are on there. I've only ever had to remove one or two people because they posted comments a bit close to the mark.
I don't use Social network sites- hate them
I'm a member of a sibbling site to this and was in-undated with friend requests from members of S4i when I was on Facebook.
In addition to that, I have nothing to hide on there, those that aren't swingers, either know, or I would have no problem knowing. But the friends from swinging that I have on there, know the value of discretion, and my private life is not plastered for all to see.
And also, whether I have played with anyone, or would like to, the friendship is most prominent, the swinging makes no difference whatsoever.
I don't do twitter cos I don't get it but I do have facebook (in my real name). I have family and friends on there but I don't have any work friends on there. I work in a department which is spread all over the country so I dont socialise with people from work in real life, why should I socialise with them on t'internet? I do have quite a few people from SH (and other sites) on my friends list.
The vast majority of swingers on my facebook we have met and class as friends, some we have played with, some we haven't. I definitely wouldn't say that we add people on facebook as we are retired swingers .... we're sooooo far from retiring!! We don't use facebook for swinging we use SH and the 'other' site for that.
I don't worry about people asking where we know people from. We were both in the Army and know lots of people from all over the place so no one asks. It's no-body's business anyway.
As for status updates ... Why would anyone put "off for a 3sum" on facebook? I did put "gone doggin" once for a laugh but that's all anyone sees it as. One or two of our vanilla friends know that we're swingers and I'm sure the rest wouldn't be surprised. I do put a few risque comments on my status but most people who know me know that I can have a bit of a foul mouth anyway so people (swingers and vanilla) just comment and have a laugh. I have blocked my kids from seeing my status though.
I never write anything crude on other people's status and never tag people in photos and expect the same. Once or twice, people have taken it a little too close to the bone and they are no longer on my friends list.
I have only one FB account and it has mostly people that I "know" from here.
Although I do have vanilla friends on it, I trust my friends from here to not leave anything dodgy on it, just the same as I would never do the same with theirs.
It's quite simple really ,if ah don't trust them then I don't add them and vice versa ah reckon.