No bugger I know is on it!!!
They don't have a branch near me. Maybe I should set up my own?
yep :thumbup:
bloody stupid place at time dont get involved in the silly stuff that much
There`s so much fun goes on each day with alot of the people I know, it`s great to take a peek when I`m at work. Helps the day go by.
I'm sorry I don't know that much about it. I keep getting emails saying welcome to my facebook or something like that but I delete them. Is it like MySpace? If so I'll not be bothering.
Im on face book........ not quite sure what to think of it. Its just another add a friend thing to me!!
My sister keeps telling me to join and goes on about how good it is. Plus a few friends have sent me links to join their pages etc. I've not had a proper look at it really but I'm sure at some point I'll succumb to joining......but for now I'm holding out. I've been told it's very addictive and I haven't got time for another site as well as the ones i already use.
Yep! I do facebook
but I'm buggered if I'd want to catch up with anyone from school/uni either on there or anywhere else.
a facebookaholic here :giggle:
I'm on it and yes it can be addictive :shock: tooo.
love it.....and no-one holds bein single and male against me ...........
Can't keep away, just like being on here.
Part of the problem I have with searching for friends is I often don't know their surnames or if they've married LOL!
Why not all of those who are on there as well form our own sub group or whatever they are. Okay some may well say its childish but hey, growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional as a friend of mine said!!
i had a peek at what I believe is the homepage for one these *networking* jobbies... (hate that word, networking... jobbies isn't too special either... I'd rephrase, but feel i've far too far now... and it's all gone a tad beyond my control... I shall persivere).. and see no real info, or no real impression of what the sites look/feel like... is there no *tour* of the site?
Do you have to join the jobbies and start networking before you know what you've let yourself in for?
there were those words again weren't there?... jobbies and networking... they're a little hard to control once loose...