Quote by DeniseBabe
Myself i prefere a clean shaven man, a man with bristles irritates me and can make me more sore than pleasured.
Ladies, I have a question. I would very much value your opinion on men's facial hair.
The last time I was overtly sexually active, I was unable to grow a 'manly' 'tache and as I've been more or less monogamous for the last 16 years or so and in particular, the last 5, I don't have the necessary experience to answer the question myself. And you lovely people seem just perfectly open and frank to ask it.
Before you answer; would you consider the following.
I appreciate that shortly after trimming or a shave and regrowth the hairs can be particulary coarse or sharp.
During my pre-coitus shower/bath, I will often include 'tache and pubic hair (when it grows back) in the shampoo/conditioner routine. <Mm, argue spontaneity again>
Not to be too graphic; I like to suck the Bean gently between my lips and rub/flick with my tongue and have been recently made aware that my 'tache brushes againts the hood.
Just to clarify. I don't have a 'Jimmy Edwards' or 'Errol Flynn' (In either dept). It's just Mr Average and I keep it on or above the line of my top lip so it doesn't nick my beer.
Thank you Ladies in advance. If any boys have an opinion; please, feel free to respond.
(I've asked for an eight day poll as it might be next weekend before I can read any responses)