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Fake ad????

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Hi as i was trawling through the Photo ads i came across this ad in the couples for men section:
"Need a well hung man
Advert #15311
Message -
Hi there and thanks for looking at my ad, I'm a 52yo BBw, married and just not getting the attention I need. What I need and want is a big cock that rises to the occasion on demand, produce copius amounts of seminal fluid to coat my body inside and out, be able to repeat this several times daily.
If you can do this you will not be disappointed I will be you slave.
My husband will be there to watch,video and take pics for our own enjoyment later.
Contact Information
Name(s): BBW and Hubby
Location: UK
E-mail: "
Ok now if you go and look at this ad you will find Three pics with it. Now the last picture i beleive has been stolen from Heathers personal site here at Swingingheaven look at her site and the ad and compare.
I do not like fake ads i would like to point it out to the Website Mods and co.
From Primarch
Fuck! Someone stole my tits!
Not only that, they were thick enough to use them on an ad on this site!
What a bunch of plonkers!!
lol lol lol lol
I say ban 'em for life, Mark!!
Off with their heads!!!!
I spoted this and had to mention it as these fake ads have a habit of over running swinging websites so as the genuine people do not get found.
I think this happend to the web site as it seems all you find there are fakes.
Well spotted Primarch, you've obviously studied Heather's tits very closely wink
I'd be flattered if I were you, Heather, the offenders obviously thought that your tits were so sexy that it would get them lots of replies wink
I would still like to see them banned though evil
Actually, I am flattered.
I took the decision to upload those photos knowing full well they would get used for all sorts of things. Once things are in the public domain there is nothing you can do.
But what a pack of total total idiots!
I was so tempted to write to them and say 'Give me my tits back!' but I refrained as it would only provoak them into something silly if they were so inclined.
I shall tell the photographer, though. He'd probably be flattered too!
I feel kind of guilty.
I have to own up.
I can't keep it secret any longer.
I used your tits too.
but the repairman says that the monitor should be ok once I wipe the screen off.... wink
heh. tossers.
That's quite alright, my friend... *that* was a valid use of the photos... biggrin
But I do hope you weren't thinking of passing them off as your own? :shock: :shock:
Curses and damnation - you've found out my cunning plan!!
I think it's a bit lame when someone has to resort to fake pics to supposedly sell themselves - and then even lamer to use probably the most popular pics on a site in the same site!!
Now we only have to find out where the other pics in the advert were lifted from.... :P
And speaking of ads...
Some bright spark signed me up for 'Dirty Davids'... Thing is, they don't tell you that you've had replies until the inbox is full. I've just ploughed through 70 of the suckers!! And they were all from blokes who hadn't read my 'tips for single guys'....
My eyes hurt with 'I'm gonna make you cum like you've never cum before...' etc.
Who was that helpful soul who placed that ad..?
Oh... I think it was me when I was tiddly!
Oops.... sad
gonna make you cum like you've never cum before

Bugger! better scratch that one off my list!
Pardon my stupidity, but what are "Dirty Davids"?
Dirty Davids is a contact ad site... a bit hard to negotiate as it covers the entire planet.
I wish I didn't drink. I really can't remember placing it... rolleyes
Ah right, never come across that one!