Mae Westnever actually said is that a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me
James Cagney never actually said You Dirty Rat
play it again sam was never uttered by I ngrid Bergman or Humpy Gocart in Casablanca
and captain Kirk never uttered the words beam me up scotty
Although most people think Michael Caine never said "Not many people know that", he in fact did, in a parody of himself. Name the film. ;)
Alec Guinnes (Obi Wan Kenobi) never said "May the force be with you."
I could have sworn it was Zulu, as in -" Zulus! Thousands of them, not many people..........."
How tall is Kirk Douglas?
I read somewhere, dont know where, that he was 5ft4!
He probably is now, he's getting on a bit, shrinking in old age.