Dug this post out from the dark ages, it's that time of year again!!!
And again! the theme for this year '08 is a 'taste of the orient'
The theme for the fancy dress '07 is 'United states of America'
(Please see below!)
maz xx
Howdy all, We're off to a fancy dress party next week and we're really struggling this year!
It's an annual event and everyone goes all out with their costumes
The theme is classical movies, but the thing is you're supposed to go for a 'play on words' approach, so people have to guess what you are - gets everyone chatting!
So you can't just dress up in a white dress and do marylin in some like it hot - you have to be clever!
for example, last year the theme was australia, so a group of us went as a barbeque - dressed up as barbie dolls and stood in a line! there were plenty of ozzy osbournes too.
this year, a couple is going as lady and the tramp - and are dressing as exactly that - not the dogs, and someone else is going as thunderball, the james bond film, and are just going to be covered in lottery balls.
The best suggestion so far has been fred and ginger - dressing as fred flintstone/freddy flintoff and ginger spice, but I want a decent costume and D doesnt want to look like a twat! (not a twat by being flintoff -in case i offended any cricket fans!
We did want to go as a couple - bonnie and clyde, laurel and hardy etc, but we're struggling to even come up with something for that!
Been on to look up old movie titles - but cant think up a reallly clever costume for the both of us! help please!
**** so, updated for '08 is an oriental theme and we have had absolutely no clever ideas!
So we can't just go as a geisha girl or someone in oriental dress- Help!!
PS last year- being so disorganised we ended up as american footballer and cheerleader- not good!!
ta very much chucks!
hehe, just thought that any one who was reading this like me just now might have nothing better to do with their day than come up with some ideas- i'm soooo lazy i cant think for myself! teeheee!
m xoxoxo
Well seeing as your a couple posted on here the most appropriate classic i can think of has to be The Third Man !,
Or maybe get a monkey suit and do King Kong ?,
oh heres an eclectic one - Casablanca ("white house" in spanish) - just get Bill & Monica masks and make a toothpaste stain on your dress ?
Is Rocky Horror a classic ?
take 2 short ladders and stick numbers on the treads - "39 Steps"
Another brain wave - you need a dinner suit complete with a tail coat, a trombone, a packet of butter and a salsa dress - "last tango in paris"
Tuxedo, gold body paint and a bikini - bond classic - "Goldfinger"
Well im off back to my padded cell now - hope this helps or enspires
I'm liking the casablanca one!hehehe
but a packet of butter for last tango? i'm blonde.... explain yourself....
If you want to go OTT then can't beat a bit of Gone With The Wind and go as Rhett and Scarlett. What about a bit of drag and try Jack Lemon and Tony Curtis' characters from Some Like It Hot?....could be a giggle that one :giggle:
the sound of music and go as a stereo system...
the god father...one go as god the other as a man..
ghost...its cheap ie a bed sheet lol
four weddings and a funeral...one in a wedding dress and the man in a black suit..
the list is endless
let us know what u decide
dave and debs
Dress up in a cross between this .......
And this....
Hey presto - the classic film
The Exorcisist :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Ooooooh scary exercise!!!! :twisted: :shock:
What about the MR going as a devil and Mrs going as Ms Whiplash.
Together you could be,
i suggest a 70s pornstars night come dressed as your favourites bring back big hair make up lol
Take a portable fan and some shredded paper
switch the fan on and put the paper in front of it
there ya go " Gone with the Wind" thats a classic
How about one dress as a pilot and the other as a shark........ jets and sharks ..... West Side Story
One as an American GI and one in an grass skirt ........... South Pacific
One as a bride with a number 7 on your back, the other as a monk with a number 7 on your back ........... Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
be back with more later maybe
these are great guys!keep em coming!!! loving them all so far
7 brides n 7 brothers good- iceberg lettuce made me laugh!!!
ah des-scisions des- scissions!!
we're off to the theatre company costume hire warehouse on tuesday, so have to have finalised decision by then!!!
ta very much
Bump! heheh
fancy dress shop tomorrow - running out of time folks! which idea is best????
M&D xx
Paint a screaming face mask orange and wear orange cloths and an afro wig:
(afro for the 70s obviously)
Come to think of it; probably not a classic.
ta all!!!! hehe the condom one made us laugh, but there will be children there unfortunately!lol
good luck with interview little gem!
Ok, so we've got a couple of weeks until the fancy dress this year, so any help on thinking up a clever costume related to the 'united states of america' theme would be much appreciated.
It's no good just going as something american like the statue o liberty or cowboys and indians, it's better to have a play on words for the theme, and both of us are going
Ta! maz and den xx
Kaz- just what we're after!
Although yes, not only kids about, but also maz' parents! so might not be such a good idea!
Mind you, her dad is dressing in drag!.....
seesm an obvious one, but what about going as statue of liberty?
Fudge cake and cheese cake... Alabama & New York.
RE: the Bonnie & Clyde suggestion in your first post:
One of you dresses in as Bonnie prince charlie, the other something to do with the river clyde (not quite sure how you;d dress a river-use your imagination!)
Have fun!
Taste of the Orient this year- we have about 4 weeks to sort a costume, so could get things online
m xx