I reckon me and BIoke should do Nessa and Bryn from Gavin and Stacey :giggle:
Of course, I'd really have to posh up to be Nessa, whereas Bloke would have to dress right down....
:karaoke: "Islands in the Stream, that is what we are..." :karaoke:

Quote by __random_orbit__
Nola's gone nuts tonight :shock:
why not go the whole hog and have a movie-dress night-cum-munch?
small venue.. viddie projector, bring a snack... rubber-up (sorry, thats just me)
Quote by __random_orbit__
so is "Cairo" a small basement dive in liverpool then?
I've heard about these sorts of places. Dodgy.
Quote by BIoke
so is "Cairo" a small basement dive in liverpool then?
I've heard about these sorts of places. Dodgy.
Quote by __random_orbit__
I was hurt by your "ewww" comments, but I'll forgive.
Kwit Fit eh?