I think everyone is sensitive in this area!
I recommend that you wear the appropriate breathing -through -the-ears safety devices,a suitable harness if you are going to do it on the stairs and then get on with it.
Works for me!!
You will learn, you will learn!!
Welcome to the asylum - but expect no quarter from this lot here!
Well the pink and whit marshmallow thing is actually easy to resolve - you agree (with both of them of course in a completely non pinkist/white-ist way) that you will shag them in turn.
The problem really occurs with liquirish allsorts. Do you go for the white and black sandwich, the black and white cylinder thingy etc? And which ones will you upset?
The options are really endless - there must be other Bertie Basset fantisists here!
wow sounds great! cant wait! :P
hope tesco got some peaches and out of date meat
sometimes its tempting but others its like urghhhhh
supose ill find out one day
Jim - it seems to be you and me talking rubbish tonight!
I do however agree with you 100% - rimming does turn folk on (myself and Mrs McC included) but there we go, everyone is different.
Mr DaveJ - I think you paint a very surrealist painting of the whole (no pun intended) situation but like Mr Dali you encourage debate and provoke thought.
Mr DaveJ:
You are ever so welcome.
(McC leaves for a couple of minutes to wipe up spilt wine, knocked over ashtray, cup of coffee etc.)!