Just a quick word to everyone on the site.
I'm not sure if you all know, but Funin has been really ill for the last week.
Without going into too much detail, she has got acute pain at the base of her spine and has lost most of the use of her left side.
I have kept in contact with Mike...(her fella) and he is keeping me updated every day as to her condition.
At my party on Saturday we had a whip round for some flowers for her.
I've been and ordered the flowers today, so she should have them later this afternoon or early tomorrow morning.
Once again......THANK YOU!!!!!! to all who contributed.
We are still not sure if the hospital she is in can do anything for her and Mike is thinking of taking her private. He is a brilliant bloke and is standing by her even though they have only been seeing each other for a short time. (You have my highest respect Mike)
As I'm sure you will all realise, going private costs quite a lot of money, so I'd like people to get back to me with ideas for sponsored events etc......
Maybe a charity auction or a charity BBQ. and then if he does decide to go private with her he won't have to shoulder the whole amount himself.
This is just an idea at the moment and hopefully there will be no need for it as hopefully, she will make a full recovery without the need to go private, but please get your thinking caps on just in case please and come up with some good fund-raising ideas.
Take care all
xx xx
I'm sure everyone on the site wishes her the speediest of recoveries. Please keep us up to date with her progress.
(PS- I've moved you into the cafe)
Ive just thought of a sponsered event but it is rather rude lmao,but i think its a good idea
Anything I can do to help with the sponsored activities. ...let me know.
We (my business) can provide/locate technical support for staged events of all kinds.
Adding our best wishes for Funin and hoping fror prompt and complete recovery.
Tongue : out with it, mate (the idea)
Terry (The Kent Host)
Maybe we could do something at the London munch!!
If anyone can think of a good sponsored event, I'm there... :twisted:
Of course I CAN think of a good sponsored event, but modesty prevents me from mentioning it... :smug:
we all wish her the best and i am sure if the time comes which i hope it doesnt coz i hope she is well soon but if does i am sure we will all do what we can love hugs and kisses to funnin
My love and prayers go to funnin and to Mike.
I am sure there is a lot that can be done in the way of fundraising and anything needed then let me know
Thank you all for wishing her the best.
She really is one of the best.
Keep the ideas coming and if anyone is coming to my motel party then I'm thinking of holding a raffle or charity auction.....................obviously I'd have to clear this with the manager of the motel first regarding the laws on this sort of thing, but feel sure we'll be ok with it.
hear from you all sonn
xx xx
How about a charity Slave auction, Marcuso? :twisted:
Hiya mark and Micky
We are gonna be doing a fundraising for her at the motel party. Not sure what type of fundraising yet, but hopefully something that will raise quite a bit.
Are you two going??
Hope to hear from you soon.
xx xx