Listening to the news today/yesterday it was being re-ported that the unfortunate victims of farepak going under are still not going to get any of their monies back over a year on.
Ok i did feel very sorry for those that lost out last year over that debarcle, but now i think I may be a bit on the 'oh come on now just get over it' persuasion. It is over a year gone after all.
As i say I know that last christmas for many it was a tragedy. What I sort of object to I guess is the losers in any other business that dont get the amount of media coveredge when there sppliers or the people they look to go bust. It seems to me that just because its christmas they are tawling out the farepak saga once again!. And getting unfair attention regarding it, that other people and small companies that go to the wall do every day dont.
Hey I'm the first to admit I didn't lose out on it, Is the fact that its christmas 'story' the only reason iy gets airspace?
one of the main reasons its getting coverage again is because of Browns decision to bail out Northern Rock.
Farepak was a private company with minimal job losses, investors lost £40 million and the most they are likly to get back is 5p in the pound.
Northern Rock was bailed out of the PUBLIC purse for £24 BILLION :shock:
Reason well there are an aweful lot of Labour voters in that region and a lot of job would be lost. Remember Rover where the goverment stepped in with PUBLIC money to save a company in Labour heartlands and what happened to that.
£40 million is not a lot by comparison to bail out genuine people but its not a vote loser, anyway I digress thats why Farepak is in the news.
Many of those who lost money through the farepak alleged fraud were those who could least afford to lose it.
So far the only people out of pocket in the Northern Rock affair are the shareholders, who should, by and large be more able to absorb their losses.
we lost out to farepack grrr
did a post on it
One thing we should remember about farepack and admire those who invested their savings.. Those very same people were not running up huge debts on cards and loans but budgeting as best they could to give their families what they could afford.. The true spirit of xmas and I hope they all find good fortune somehow someway and soon. I admire each and every one and wish there was more done for them..
Bloody conned they were simple as.. Bless em. I bet the recievers the lawyers the directors etc all do well.. Greedy no good shi**
Rant over...
Mike x