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Father''s Day

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I know it's a day early but wanted to share this in case I don't feel up to logging on tomorrow.
For those of you who are visiting their Dad tomorrow or spending it with their own kids, carpe diem my friends. Enjoy it, cherish it and take the time to say 'I love you' because some day, you'll wish you did.
You smile from your place on the mantle, your proud face captured in a frame
Happier times when you were here
When all the world seemed right and you were here to guide me on my way.
I still say hello, ask your advice and imagine you rolling your eyes at my mistakes
but never scolding, always loving
You'd pick me up when I was down, brush me off and steer me back to the right path.
I want to say I love you and always will but my words fall on a silent room
I can't hear you answer but I know you're with me
Your spirit is everywhere around me
So on this Father's Day, as ever, I'll sit and tell you my troubles
wishing you could be here today
Comforted by the thought that if I close my eyes, I can see you
Listen hard and I hear your voice
and cry a little because I miss you more than I could ever say
I'd agree with the sentiments of this post. My lovely dad died just three weeks ago so this will be the first father's day I'll spend without him.
I'll be getting him a little solar star light and a helium balloon to put on his grave but I'd give anything to be able to give him a hug.
Sending special fathers day wishes to all the dads out there - you're wonderful, sometimes taken for granted, but very much loved.
Quote by Sugar-n-pom
I'd agree with the sentiments of this post. My lovely dad died just three weeks ago so this will be the first father's day I'll spend without him.
I'll be getting him a little solar star light and a helium balloon to put on his grave but I'd give anything to be able to give him a hug.
Sending special fathers day wishes to all the dads out there - you're wonderful, sometimes taken for granted, but very much loved.

I'm so sorry to hear that sugar :therethere:
I'll be there tomorrow with my flowers and sit and chat with him a while as I always do but I know he'll never be too far away, no matter where I am
What a lovley threadSassy...I, too lost my dad suddenly when he was only 53, I'd just had my fiorst child, so was even more sad.
I love him ven more and miss him every day too. I also take flowers and a card to the cemetary and spend some time with him on Fathers day, but he is always never far away from my thoughs.
Hugs and :therethere: :therethere: for you sugar, if you need to chat or just a shoulder to cryon or a listenig ear, my pm box is always open xxx
Big ups for dads and those who stand in as dads to someone special, everywhere and hugs n cuddles for all those who cant spend fathers day with their dads for whatever reason. :inlove:
sassy that was great,
I lost my dad, believe it or not, 7 yrs to the day on Fathers day, he was 59.
It a sad day for me, but a good one also, my 2 children, well teenagers make sure i'm looked after.
To all the dads on this site, just make sure your feelings are known before it all to late. X X X X
voddie hunny...big hugs for ya babes :therethere: :therethere:
nice to see ya back here with us too biggrin passionkiss
sassy your words say it all .........
this is my second fathers day without my daddy i thought i could jus pass it by now ....but the words said it all i have the pic on the side which always look at... my daddy proud with his 2 grandsons always look at it and smile very good memories still hold them with me and always will
jus wanted to say if you are lucky enough to see your daddy tomorrow go tell him you love him i always did and still will now but can only look at the pics and remember the good times ....
happy fathers day to all them daddys out there
nawty xxxxxxxxxx
:therethere: to you to nawty and :therethere: to all who are missing their dads tomorrow and always kiss
My deepest sympathies to anyone who has lost either parent.
I received my first fathers day card ever in the post this morning. Just seeing the word "Dad" on the envelope gave me a smile that I haven't lost yet. smile :) :)
I am very lucky, my Dad has continued to be in remission and has just found out he can go a full year without a check up.
So to all of those missing your Father tomorrow, I will be thinking of you and offering hugs :therethere:
Lovely words Sass kiss I'll apply those words to my Grandpa who was more of a Dad to me. xxx
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I know it's a day early but wanted to share this in case I don't feel up to logging on tomorrow.
For those of you who are visiting their Dad tomorrow or spending it with their own kids, carpe diem my friends. Enjoy it, cherish it and take the time to say 'I love you' because some day, you'll wish you did.
You smile from your place on the mantle, your proud face captured in a frame
Happier times when you were here
When all the world seemed right and you were here to guide me on my way.
I still say hello, ask your advice and imagine you rolling your eyes at my mistakes
but never scolding, always loving
You'd pick me up when I was down, brush me off and steer me back to the right path.
I want to say I love you and always will but my words fall on a silent room
I can't hear you answer but I know you're with me
Your spirit is everywhere around me
So on this Father's Day, as ever, I'll sit and tell you my troubles
wishing you could be here today
Comforted by the thought that if I close my eyes, I can see you
Listen hard and I hear your voice
and cry a little because I miss you more than I could ever say

tears are running down my face as I write this. That was beautiful Sassy kiss
My Dad past away a few years ago & people say it gets easier however for me, it still feels like yesturday.
So Happy fathers day to all you Dads out there & a toast :cheers: to all that aren't. You shall always be in our hearts.
Thanks for all your replies. I always write best when my mood is way up or way down but never in the middle confused
To all those who, like me, have lost their Dads remember they are always with you in your heart and your memories. The pain of losing them does ease with time but their love stays strong forever.
For all you Dads celebrating with your children tomorrow or those visiting their own Dads, have a great day and cherish the moment biggrin
Not to put a downer on things, but as a father of two I have to admit to cringing every time Father's Day comes round.
I much prefer to be 'rewarded' as a father seeing my kids grow up and make something of themselves, not get into trouble and be the best they can be rather than celebrating a made-up Hallmark anniversary that most fathers forget anyway ('cos anniversaries/dates like this are things only females remember anyway!} :twisted:
hi,this year is gunna be the hardest one ever for me as last fathers day my 13 year old son died,that was the day my world fell apart,i do not wish to upset everyone but to all the dads out there,never forget to tell them how much you love them,even when they are little buggers,thanks for reading this , carl
Quote by subcom
hi,this year is gunna be the hardest one ever for me as last fathers day my 13 year old son died,that was the day my world fell apart,i do not wish to upset everyone but to all the dads out there,never forget to tell them how much you love them,even when they are little buggers,thanks for reading this , carl

Subcom, welcome to the forum, and :therethere: I know I for one will be thinking of you today. To lose a parent is one thing, a child is another entirely.
I am another one sitting here in tears, my dad passed away in February and I miss him every day. So this is for you Dad.....Happy Fathers Day "You left me behind to remind me of you"
J xxx :rose:
big BIG hugs to you subcom and Play, with love from me xxx
Quote by Peanut
Not to put a downer on things, but as a father of two I have to admit to cringing every time Father's Day comes round.
I much prefer to be 'rewarded' as a father seeing my kids grow up and make something of themselves, not get into trouble and be the best they can be rather than celebrating a made-up Hallmark anniversary that most fathers forget anyway ('cos anniversaries/dates like this are things only females remember anyway!} :twisted:

Then don't wink you're very lucky to be around to see your kids grow up, that itself is the statement. x
Quote by jaymar
Not to put a downer on things, but as a father of two I have to admit to cringing every time Father's Day comes round.
I much prefer to be 'rewarded' as a father seeing my kids grow up and make something of themselves, not get into trouble and be the best they can be rather than celebrating a made-up Hallmark anniversary that most fathers forget anyway ('cos anniversaries/dates like this are things only females remember anyway!} :twisted:

Then don't wink you're very lucky to be around to see your kids grow up, that itself is the statement. x
:thumbup: Exactly.
I must admit this thread made me stop and think. It made me contemplate life without my dad. He's not getting any younger and sometimes I forget that. My heart goes out to all of the people who have shared their losses in the above posts. Thank you for making me realise how lucky I am and for making me stop, re-evaluate and act on it.
Peanut, commercialised or not, sometimes gestures mean the world to people. Appreciate the gestures that come your way today and in the future and the sentiments behind them.
Sassy, worship a beautiful poetic tribute to your Dad. I'm sure he was incredibly proud of his talented daughter.
Nola x
To all of us grieving or remembering with joy lost fathers and children today, much love.
To my lost loved ones, enduring love and gratitude.
To a father not quite making the mark (my daughter's), please stop hurting her.
am deeply saddened to hear of the pain some of us are going through without the presences of their fathers,i hope today will also give you the chance to reflect on the good memories you had with them,may you keep strong....
this also goes to all the father figures,grandfathers,uncles,adopting fathers,children homes males and stepfathers who have dedicated their lives to raising and caring for children in the society at larger....may the Gods that you worship give you more strength to enjoy your seeds
and lastly to my dad,thank you for treating me like a prince all my life its ashame i cant be with you today.i love you so much.
Quote by jaymar
Not to put a downer on things, but as a father of two I have to admit to cringing every time Father's Day comes round.
I much prefer to be 'rewarded' as a father seeing my kids grow up and make something of themselves, not get into trouble and be the best they can be rather than celebrating a made-up Hallmark anniversary that most fathers forget anyway ('cos anniversaries/dates like this are things only females remember anyway!} :twisted:

Then don't wink you're very lucky to be around to see your kids grow up, that itself is the statement. x
Given that the forum is a reflection on life itself, life isn't all about rosy things and feeling good, or even about making others feel good. The fact is that not everyone feels the same way you/others do. That's no reason for them to not say their little bit whether it's downer or not.
Quote by Peanut
Not to put a downer on things, but as a father of two I have to admit to cringing every time Father's Day comes round.
I much prefer to be 'rewarded' as a father seeing my kids grow up and make something of themselves, not get into trouble and be the best they can be rather than celebrating a made-up Hallmark anniversary that most fathers forget anyway ('cos anniversaries/dates like this are things only females remember anyway!} :twisted:

Then don't wink you're very lucky to be around to see your kids grow up, that itself is the statement. x
Given that the forum is a reflection on life itself, life isn't all about rosy things and feeling good, or even about making others feel good. The fact is that not everyone feels the same way you/others do. That's no reason for them to not say their little bit whether it's downer or not.
I didn't mean that, you say you don't like the day because you prefer to be rewarded by seeing your kids growing up.... I said in a nutshell your reward is being fortunate to be here to see them grow up.
If you see what I mean.
Anyway it's still your day, so enjoy it for what it is xxx
Quote by jaymar
I didn't mean that, you say you don't like the day because you prefer to be rewarded by seeing your kids growing up.... I said in a nutshell your reward is being fortunate to be here to see them grow up.

Sorry, my bad.
As to whether or not I'm fortunate enough to be here is debatable :twisted:
Quote by jaymar
If you see what I mean.
Anyway it's still your day, so enjoy it for what it is xxx

I do my best to ignore it and encourage the "kids" to do the same. In all honesty I truly don't understand the concept of why one arbitrary day should be different from any other. I tend to hold the same opinions about other manufactured dates too.
Yes, go on, you can say it, I'm a misery guts lol
Birthdays, Easter, Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day etc all have valid and traditional roots so I understand the concept of them. It's all the others I don't understand.
I'm of the opinion that one should be able to celebrate any time one feels like it. Why does one have to wait for a specific date that is decided by fuck knows who?
Quote by subcom
hi,this year is gunna be the hardest one ever for me as last fathers day my 13 year old son died,that was the day my world fell apart,i do not wish to upset everyone but to all the dads out there,never forget to tell them how much you love them,even when they are little buggers,thanks for reading this , carl

im thinking of you today and sending you a hug .... it must be the worlds worst thing to lose a child xxxx
my dad died last year and i find today very hard so i know how everyone else feels who has lost their dad, i hope you have all got thru today as best as can be xxx
thank you to gary for looking after me today xxxx
I lost my Mom 12 months last April and Dad Last January so today me and my sisters went to the grave and put some cards and flowers there. I still miss them loads and can't believe they arnt around.
But by the same token i had my first ever fathers day card form my girlfriends daughter and son which is now on my mantlepiece
Nice post sassy xxxxx
as i sit here reading all these lovely threads i have tears rolling down my face. i lost my dad earlier this year and its now double whammy time because its fathers day and next week it would have been his birthday when he was alive we used to joke he did it on purpose to get double pressie if it ended up on the same day which many times it did. but what i wouldn't give to have one more just to let him know how much he was loved. he knew, but i didn't get the chance to tell him because of the way he died. but sod here it is anyway i love you dad and i am so glad you were here for the birth of your grandson and that you were the first to see him on my scan you were so proud and you got to give me away at my wedding you were bursting with happiness that day but most of all you were there for me and i was there for you and i know you loved me as much as i loved you. as i sat there holding you hand in those last few days, i knew you were going to go to a happy place and be with the one woman who made you truly happy and had missed for so many years, your wife, my mum and that seemed to ease my pain and has continued to since. dad i love you and always will :love:
Sadly, MissKitty lost her father this morning. Our thoughts are with you kiss
sad sorry miss kitty.